Reviewed by Brett Green

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In addition to printing high-quality markings for other decal companies, Fantasy Printshop also produces their own decals under the brand name of Euro Decals that includes a growing collection of specific aircraft decals. Last year, Euro decals released Part One of their decals for 1/72 and 1/48 scale Panavia Tornado GR.4/4A kits.
Now Euro Decals has released Part Two in both 1/48 and 1/72 scales, sold separately.
Eac scale offers markings for three subjects, all finished in Camouflage Grey and Dark Sea Grey, made much more interesting with the tail art on this decal sheet. These are the same subjects that appeared on the 1/32 scale Euro Decals sheet from early 2019.
Subjects are:
Panavia Tornado GR.4 ZA401, 13 Sqn, RAF Marham 2005. This aircraft features a green, yellow and blue tail.
The second Tornado subject, ZA543, although the instuctions note otherwise is actually from 12(B) Sqn RAF not 15 Sqn Lossiemouth 2005. This aircraft features a black spine, a striped tail and artwork of a fox's head (thanks to Stephen Prior for the correction).
Panavia Tornado GR.4 ZG756, 14 Sqn, Lossiemouth 2005, featuring a blue tail with artwork and decorations.
Instructions are supplied in a on two A4, double sided sheets. Each aircraft is covered in five-view full colour drawings.
The decal sheet is printed perfectly by Fantasy Printshop. Colours look great, and the glossy printing is in register.

These are another couple of very welcome release from Euro Decals.
Thanks to Fantasy Printshop for the review sample
Euro Decals and Fantasy Printshop Decals are
available online via Fanstasy Printshop's website
Review Text and Images Copyright © 2020 by Brett Green
Page Created 16 February, 2020
Last updated
18 February, 2020
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