CMR 1/72 scale
Supermarine Scimitar
by Bill Gilman

Supermarine Scimitar |

Having not gained any additional common sense from my last resin build, I decided to jump head first into another! This time it's the oft-neglected subject of the Supermarine Scimitar in glorious 1:72 scale, courtesy of CMR, the master craftsmen from the Czech Republic.

The Scimitar, of course, was the last fighter to wear the Supermarine name, and therefore could be considered the direct descendent of the legendary Walrus, er, Spitfire from WWII. Although the Scimitar has not been completely ignored by the mainstream kit manufacturers, I think CMR's resin kit is the best to date.

As is usually the case with CMR, this is a multimedia kit complete with the main resin parts, a photoetch fret, two vacuform canopies (luckily I only needed one!), canopy masks, etc. I also purchased the optional wing-fold set. Construction was straightforward for a resin kit, and I did not have any major difficulties with part fit, warping, or pinholes. The detail is exquisite, and the photoetch airbrakes and intake boundary layer slots really add to the realism.
The model was finished with Gunze acrylics with post shading to simulate paint fading and wear, and the assorted stains and hydraulic fluid/oil streaks. I applied a light gray wash to the white underside, and a black wash to the Extra Dark Sea Grey topside. The markings represent XD324, 158-R, aboard H.M.S. Ark Royal in June of 1965. The only corrections I made to the kit were those necessary to fix any ham-fisted mistakes from the bone-headed modeller. But we won't point out what those were.
Model and Text Copyright ©
2020 by Tolga Ulgur
Page Created 24 December, 2020
Last Updated
24 December, 2020
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