Museum of Flight Model Exhibit
Now Boarding:
The Birth of Air Travel
by Tim Nelson

Oregon Modelers Society Show and Contest 2019 Part I |

Hobby Boss' 1/72 Macchi C.200 Saetta is available online from Squadron for only $10.99!
NorthWest Scale Modelers (NWSM) is an amazingly informal confederation of modelers in the Seattle, Washington area, tucked in the Pacific Northwest corner of the United States. The club originated in the late 1980s, and since about 1992, has maintained a successful partnership with The Museum of Flight (TMOF). That alliance enables club meetings on site, a large model exhibition each Presidents Day Weekend (mid-February), some special projects, and a recurring series of model displays in the lobby.
Beginning in 2006, NWSM has now staged 56 model displays! The display themes are negotiated with TMOF years in advance, and commemorate major anniversaries, align with TMOF events or major exhibits, or just show off something cool. It’s a real win-win for everyone – a stimulus for building and platform to show NWSM models to large numbers of people, and interesting, fresh, ever-changing displays for TMOF. Our newest display, curated by yours truly, is a celebration of the centennial of the beginnings of commercial air travel – taking a look at the years 1919-34.
Planning for these displays takes into account the subject matter, availability of kits, the nature of those kits, canvassing local modelers for relevant already-built models or volunteered builds, and last but not least – recruiting builders to fill gaps. Our late friend Stephen Tontoni was the primary display curator in the early years, and we honor Stephen with a scale figure of him in the cases. Those who now volunteer to curate these displays are typically enthusiasts for the topic to be featured. Some displays – anything related to World War II, for example – generally are supported by a wealth of decent kits and “off the shelf” models. Others are more challenging - our 2014 exhibit on Fire Bombers required a significant number of challenging custom builds and a cadre of motivated modelers. Any display of post-World War I civil aircraft would definitely fall into the “challenging” category.

Civil aircraft between the world wars, commonly referred to as the “golden age” of aviation, is a genre near and dear to me. A display featuring the dawn of early mail planes and airliners was a pet project of mine, and accepting the challenge of a large number of daunting builds, I began years in advance to formulate a subject/kit list and a list of fellow modelers to embark on the journey.
Years passed and various builds progressed, reaching a fever pitch in the two years leading to installation. Many builds by your author and others were still in work just weeks (or hours!) before the big day. A few were not completed and other on-topic models were substituted.
One of the final stages of display preparation is the creation of interpretive material, model description placards, and display case backpanel graphics. NWSM collaborates with a fabulous TMOF exhibits professional to develop these materials – a very important part of a professional looking display. NWSM is generally responsible for content and TMOF is generally responsible for graphics, design, and physical production. This particular display inaugurated our use of a stand-alone “monolith” to provide background info without consuming precious display space.
December 5, 2019 was “D-Day” for this display, the big installation night. The intrepid modelers removed models from the previous “Spitfire” display, and began the intricate task of installing highly delicate early airliner models in a rational sequence. After final checks, the vitrine case tops were set in place and we declared “Now Boarding: The Birth of Air Travel” to be finished. Huzzah!

The models in the display cases are all in the Scale of Kings, 1/72. The subjects, kits (many highly modified), and their respective modelers are as follows:
Avro 504K (QANTAS) [Airfix] - Bill Glinski
Blackburn Kangaroo (North Sea Aerial Navigation Co.) [Contrail] - Tim Nelson
Boeing Model 200 Monomail (Prototype) [Dekno] - Bob Peterson
Boeing Model 247 (United Air Lines) [Williams Bros] - John Newcome
Boeing Model 80A-1 (United Air Lines) [CMR] - Bill Glinski (installed in “Phase 2,” January 2, 2020)
Bréguet 14 (Aéropostale) [AZ Model] - Jack Matthews
De Havilland DH.66 (Imperial Airways) [Rug Rat Resins] - Tim Nelson
De Havilland DH.89 Dragon Rapide (Misr Airwork) [Heller] - Neil Makar
De Havilland DH-4 (U.S. Mail) [Airfix] - Bill Glinski
Dornier Delphin Do L Ia (Prototype) [Classic Plane] - Tim Nelson
Dornier Do JII Wal (Lufthansa) [Huma] - Russ Bucy
Douglas DC-2 (Eastern Air Lines) [MPM] - Neil Makar
Farman F.62 Goliath (?eskoslovenské Státní Aerolinie - CSA) [AB Model] - Tim Nelson
Focke-Wulf A 16 (Luft Hansa) [Planet] - Tim Nelson
Focke-Wulf F 19 (Prototype) [Planet] - John Miller
Fokker C.1 (Fokker Air Tours) [Roden] - Tim Nelson
Fokker F.II (KLM) [Classic Plane] - Tim Nelson
Fokker F.VIIb/3m (Japan Air Transport Co.) [Valom] - Morgan Girling
Ford Tri-Motor 4-AT (Pan American-Grace Airways) [Monogram] - Neil Makar
Handley-Page 0/400 (Handley Page Transport Ltd.) [Airfix] - Bill Glinski
Junkers F 13 (SCADTA) [Revell] - Don Conrard
Junkers G 24 (Aero O/Y) [Revell] - Ken Murphy
Kalinin K-5 (Aeroflot) [Amodel] - Tim Nelson
Latécoère 28 (Aéropostale) [Plastic Passion/SBS] - Tim Nelson
Lockheed Vega 5C (Shell Oil Co.) [MPM] - Tim Nelson
LVG C.VI (SNETA) [Ardpol] - Tim Nelson
Ryan M-1 (Pacific Air Transport) [Greenbank ] - Jim Schubert
Savoia-Marchetti S.74 (Ala Littoria) [SEM] - Paolo Marcucci
Sikorsky S-39 (Private) [CMR] - Russ Bucy
Vultee V-1A (American Airlines) [Special Hobby] - Tim Nelson (removed in “Phase 2”)
Zeppelin Staaken E4/20 (Prototype) [Classic Plane] - Tim Nelson
I scoured my stash and the web for suitable period figures from Preiser, Reed Oak, Shapeways, and other sources to add both scale and a human touch.

In addition, we hung four models in the air space around the cases to help draw visitors toward the display. These models are:
Dornier Merkur (Ad Astra Aero) [Scratchbuilt, 1/24] - Scott Kruize
Handley-Page H.P.42 (Imperial Airways) [Airfix, 1/144] - Bill Glinski
LZ 127 Graf Zeppelin (Deutsche Luftschiffahrts-Aktiengesellschaft - DELAG) [Hawk, 1/245] - Doug Reed
Savoia-Marchetti S.55X (Special 1933 Formation Flight) [Delta, 1/72] - Russ Bucy
A lot of work but tremendous fun as well!
Many thanks to all of the above modelers who undertook many difficult and exasperating builds to complete these models. If you are in Seattle before April 2, 2020, come check out this informative and entertaining look at the dawn of air travel. It’s right outside the “Wings Café.”

For more insight on what goes into developing this type of model display, listen to this podcast episode produced by TMOF.
If there is a museum in your area, consider approaching the folks in charge about a similar model display partnership. You’ll promote history, education, and the hobby!
The following good old-fashioned print titles are good introductions to the early years of air travel. Some are easier to find than others…
The Airline Builders, Oliver Allen, “Epic of Flight” series, Time-Life, 1981
The Illustrated History of Air Travel, Brian Walters, Marshall Cavendish Limited, 1979
This Was Air Travel, Henry R. Palmer, Jr., Bonanza Books, 1955
Early Airliners, Chris Chant, Phoebus Publishing, 1980
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2018 by Model Paint Solutions Inc.
Page Created 12 February, 2020
Last Updated
12 February, 2020
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