AlphaFlight 1/48 scale
CANT 1007
by Harvey Low

This is the old long out-of-production AlphaFlight 1/48th CANT 1007. The kit is the only "game-in-town" of this Italian WW2 bomber in 1/48th scale.

Also known as the "Alcione" or "Kingfisher", the CANT 1007 was an elegant tri-engine medium bomber made of wood - light and very fast. Designed in 1937, about 560 were built. She entered service in 1939 and fought throughout WW2 on all fronts from the cold steppes of Russia to the Balkans.

This model depicts aircraft No.5 of the 172 Squadriglia based in Melsbroek Belgium, during the Battle if Britain in 1940. Through some research, I found out that some aircraft were deployed as “decoys”, where they flew with only the pilot and co-pilot with no bombs or defensive machine guns whatsoever. They did so to increase their speed to draw British fighters away from main bombing runs by other Italian bombers. This model depicts one of the aircraft in those sorties.
Note: While most CANT 1007 during the BoB were single fin, there are no photos of several AC of this Squadriglia and thus since the single nd twin finned versions serviced together, I made this a twin-fin during the BoB.
Model, Images and Text Copyright © 2020 by Harvey Low
Page Created 2 October, 2020
Last Updated
2 October, 2020
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