Wellington Decals
Three Sets

DK Decals,
1/72 scale
Reviewed by Ed Russell

Xtradecal's 1/72 scale Junkers Ju 87 B/K/R Stuka decals
are available online from Squadron.com
Since 2014, the Czech decal manufacturer, DK Decals, have produced a large number of decal sets, initially specialising in the war in the Pacific and particularly the RAAF but have since branched out into many other areas as their network of consultants has grown.
The Vickers Wellington has been kitted in several forms, the latest one being a Mk Ia/Ic from Airfix. With an eye to this one but covering the MPM, Trumpeter and Frog versions also, DK Decals have released three sets of markings for the type.
Each set consists of 10 sets of markings for various marks of Wellingtons. There are the usual DK colour instructions matched to Humbrol and Agama paints and a list of the aircraft covered. The decals are printed by Boa in Prague. Their decals have a good reputation for performing well and are of excellent colour, opacity and register.
72063 Wellington Part 1 RAF and SAAF Service Wellington C.Mk XVI, Ic, DWI and Mk VIII
Half of the schemes are in the most common bomber camouflage – high demarcation Dark Green, Dark Earth and Night. Four of these are conventional bombers from 75 and 311 Sqns and the fifth is a 38 Sqn ‘Torpington’ in the Mediterranean.
In the same colours is an unarmed C. Mk XVI used by BOAC and the most unusual of all – a Wellington DWI minesweeper. This requires the fitting of a conversion set for the magnetic field generator. The DK instructions recommend Lone Wulf as the supplier. This appears to be out of production but a similar item is available from Aerocraft un the UK. Further interesting Middle East examples are a 294 Sqn ASR Mk Ic in Dark Sea Grey / Dark Slate Grey and a desert camouflaged Mk VIII. The Mk VIII is basically a radar equipped Mk Ic. Also radar equipped and resembling a Mk XIV with its chin radome is LB129/G. This was the development aircraft for the fitting of H2S radar and is basically a Ic.

1. Wellington C Mk.XVI, BOAC (BAW.3), 1942
2. Wellington Mk.IC, R1516, No.311 (Czechoslovak) Sq., 1941
3. Wellington DWI, L4356, No.1 GRU, 1941
4. Wellington Mk.IC, L7848, No.75 (NZ) Sq., 1940
5. Wellington Mk.VIII, HX602, No.26 (SAAF) Sq.
6. Wellington Mk.IC, R1598, No.311 (Czechoslovak) Sq., 1942
7. Wellington Mk.IC, Z8797, No.38 Sq., 1941
8. Wellington Mk.VIII, LB129/G
9. Wellington Mk.IC, Z1044, No.294 Sq., 1943
10. Wellington Mk.IC, X9741, No.311 (Czechoslovak) Sq., 1941
72066 Wellington Part 2 RAF Service, Wellington Ic, VIII, C.Mk XVI

Again half of the schemes are Mk Ic aircraft from 311 Sqn with high demarcation and 9 & 75 Sqns with low demarcation. There is a Mk Ic and a Mk VIII in Coastal Command colours and two Mk IC aircraft in desert camouflage.
One of these is interesting as the nose is faired over and a single gun fitted. This is noted as a 0.303 inch Browning but other sources say a 20mm cannon. There is also a C. Mk XVI in Temperate Sea Scheme which at first sight looks like a bomber. However these turrets were painted on and the guns were dummies.

1. Wellington Mk.IC, W5711, No.311 (Czechoslovak) Sq., 1942
2. Wellington Mk.IC, L7794, No.75 (NZ) Sq., 1940
3. Wellington Mk.IC, N2873, No.9 Sq., 1939
4. Wellington Mk.IC, HX392, No.40 Sq., 1942
5. Wellington Mk.IC, DV507, No.311 (Czechoslovak) Sq., 1943
6. Wellington Mk.IC, HX509, No.458 (RAAF) Sq., 1943
7. Wellington Mk.IC, DV671, No.304 (Polish) Sq., 1943
8. Wellington Mk.VIII, W5731, No.221 Sq., 1942
9. Wellington C Mk.XVI, N2990, No.24 Sq., 1943
10. Wellington Mk.IC, T2972, No.311 (Czechoslovak) Sq., 1942
72069 Wellington Part 3 RAF Service, Wellington Mk Ic, DWI, Mk VIII

Pretty much as previously, six schemes are in high demarcation Bomber Command standard camouflage - two from 311 Sqn and the others from 75, 162, 218, and the Malta Bomber Flight. Another DWI is featured, this time in desert camouflage, as well as another 311 Sqn aircraft in Coastal Command colours, after the squadron was transferred to maritime patrol in 1942.
Another desert camouflaged aircraft is a radar-equipped Mk VIII ‘Snoopington’ of 458(Australian) Sqn which will require radar aerials and a faired nose. Perhaps the most unusual colour scheme is T2829 of a Middle East Communications or ASR squadron in what may be TSS with Middle Stone segments. Make of it what you will but there is a reasonable discussion here

1. Wellington Mk.IC, T2962, No.311 (Czechoslovak) Sq., 1942
2. Wellington Mk.IC, R1448, No.218 Sq., 1941
3. Wellington Mk.IC, T2874, Malta Flight, 1940
4. Wellington Mk.IC, R1162, No.75 (NZ) Sq., 1941
5. Wellington Mk.IC, L7785, No.311 (Czechoslovak) Sq., 1940
6. Wellington DWI, HX682, No.1 GRU, 1943
7. Wellington Mk.IC, AD601, No.162 Sq., 1942
8. Wellington Mk.IC, DV474, No.311 (Czechoslovak) Sq., 1943
9. Wellington Mk.IC, T2829
10. Wellington Mk.VIII, LA979, No.458 (RAAF) Sq., 1943
It is good to see DK Decals resisted the urge to put all 30 schemes on the one sheet! It would be nice to see more data about each aircraft but part of the fun of modelling is to chase up this information.
Each of these three sets gives a nice selection of both conventional and unusual Wellingtons and the temptation to obtain more Wellington kits is hard to resist. They appear to be well researched and are well produced
Thanks to Red Roo Models for this sample.
Text and Images Copyright © 2019 by Ed Russell
This Page Created on 16 May, 2019
Last updated
16 May, 2019
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