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Argentine Avros

Blackbird Models, 1/72 scale

S u m m a r y

Catalogue Number, Description and Price

Blackbird Models Item No. BMD72035 - Argentine Avros

GBP £5.00 plus shipping available online from Blackbird Models

Review Type: One decal sheet and instructions.
Review Type: First Look
Advantages: Nicely printed and some unusual schemes which will appeal to the modellers of these eras. Good to see the reference quoted and a list of suggested kits for the subjects
Disadvantages: Incomplete decal placement drawings that require more research, and the questionable widths of the yellow outer C1 rings.
Conclusion: These are nicely printed sets of decals for those modellers looking for such subjects, the only caveats being the scanty decal placement drawings and the questionable widths of the fuselage C-type roundels.

Reviewed by Graham Carter

HyperScale is proudly sponsored by Squadron.com



Here is set of interesting variations for a Lancaster and Lincoln fro Blackbird Models. All aircraft have serials on both fins and nose in white. Be aware that Argentine aircraft had the fin flashes in a horizontal form and not vertical as with RAF aircraft.



The two subjects are:

  • Lincoln BII, B-OO5 in RAF night bomber scheme of DG/DE over night. Decals are provide for upper wing roundels and underwing serials, no drawings are provided to show their precise location.

  • Lancaster BI , B-033 at two different stages of her use: in RAF night bomber scheme of DG/DE over night and later in two undetermined greys but suggested to be DSG over Neutral Grey - most unusual!

A small sketch shows the location of the roundels and serials on the wings. However there is a small photo of this aircraft in the later scheme but it does not appear to have the serials! Its up to you I guess.

There is no indication as to whether the blue/white flashes are repeated on the insides of the fins as per RAF usage but as only four are provided for three choices I suspect not , but check your references.



These are nicely printed sets of decals for those modellers looking for such subjects, the only caveats being the scanty decal placement drawings and the questionable widths of the fuselage C-type roundels.

Thanks to Blackbird Models for the sample.

Review Text Copyright © 2019 by Graham Carter
Page Created 7 August, 2019
Last updated 7 August, 2019

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