Supermarine Seafire Part 1

Blackbird Models, 1/72 scale
Reviewed by Graham Carter

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Here is another decal sheet from Blackbird Models. This one is Item No. BDM72034 - Supermarine Seafire Part 1.
This time there are four subjects and again I believe the the yellow outer rings on the fuselage type C roundels are a fraction too narrow, but that is just my impression and may not bother other modellers.

Choices are based on aircraft covered in ‘On Target Profile No.5 Seafires Ib to 47’.
Subjects are:
Seafire III RX347 / 3A-Y of 759 NAS, Yeovilton 1946 with trainer yellow codes and an odd colour scheme in that it is in Day Fighter colours of OG/DG over Sky instead of the Temperate Sea Scheme. This time a note indicates that the codes are arranged differently on each side of the fuselage.
Seafire IIc LR647/ R of 808NAS at RNAS Burscough in 1943. Again in Day Fighter colours but with MSG under surfaces.
Seafire LFIII NF805 / P of 863 Sqn RCN in 1945 in the standard Temperate Sea Scheme of DSG/EDSG over Sky with a red spinner.
Seafire XV SW847 of A Flight, Flying Check and Conversion Refresher Course ( what a mouthful!) of 799 NAS, Lee-on-Solent, 1946. This one is a bit different as it is dark blue over NMF or Aluminium ( my preferred choice) with white serials on the fuselage and black ones under the wings. No colour match is given for the blue.
Notes on how to apply the decals show a wry sense of humour, hence they begin with “OK, you’ve probably built plenty of models and this is teaching you to suck eggs, but for those of you who haven’t used aftermarket decals before, here goes!”

The downside is that each choice is only illustrated by a single side view and no indication is given of the decal placement on the upper or lower surfaces or on the other side of the aeroplane.
This is a nice decal set with interesting markings that will appeal to Seafire and Spitfire fans.
Thanks to Blackbird Models for the sample.
Review Text Copyright © 2019 by Graham Carter
Page Created 1 August, 2019
Last updated
1 August, 2019
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