Bf 109 F/G Photo Recon Conversion

Werner's Wings,1/48 scale

Xtradecal's 1/48 P-51 Mustang Collection will be available online from
Floyd Werner announces the newest Werner's Wings releases:
Werner’s Wings is pleased to announce the release of Werner’s Wings is proud to announce the release of our 1/48th scale Bf 109F/G Photo Recon Conversion, Set 48-20.

The set provides you with three parts to convert any 1/48th scale Bf-109F/G kit into a photo recon airplane. The parts include the actual external housing, the camera lens, and the control box for the cockpit. We have learned some things about the photo recon housing. There is a sheet metal panel that covers the camera lens while on the ground and it is retracted when in flight. This keeps the lens clean. Note the one photo of the real thing.

ALL aftermarket photo recon housings that I’ve seen are the incorrect shape for the Bf-109. They all seem to be modeled after the housing used on the FW-190 which is squarer in the front than the Bf-109 version. So I decided to do something about it.
The photo recon conversion can be seen on the Bf-109F-2, F-4, G-2, G-4, G-6, G-8 and G-10 variants.
This set does NOT include decals. These must be sourced elsewhere.
The CAD work was done by Frank Crenshaw of Kokopelli Scale Designs. Check out his 1/32nd scale version of this set his website.
Available now on Werners Wings website
Also to released:
I’ll also be selling on a very limited basis the 1/48th scale Bf-109F/G Umbrella, set 48-19. It is just the umbrella. I’ve attached a couple of photos of my model with it installed.

They will be available until they run out for $10 USD. The CAD was done by Peter Hamann. It is not on the website but it will be when I return.
You can contact me directly at or
Thanks to Werner's Wings for the sample.
Text and Images Copyright © 2018 by Werner's Wings
This Page Created on 15 March, 2019
Last updated
15 March, 2019
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