Messerschmitt Bf 109 G-6/AS
Conversion for Revell Bf 109 G-6 kit

A.M.U.R. Reaver, 1/32 scale
Reviewed by
Brett Green

Eduard's 1/48 scale AIM-120 AMRAAMs are available online from
In their continuing quest to squeeze the maximum performance, efficiency and sheer production numbers, new engines with larger superchargers for improved high-altitude performance (DB 605AS), or with MW-50 water injection for improved low/medium-altitude performance (DB 605AM), or these two features combined (DB 605ASM) were introduced into the Bf 109 G-6 from early 1944.
The DB 605-equipped variants were designated Bf 109 G-6/AS
Maximum speed of the G-5/G-6 was 530 km/h (320 mph) at sea level, 640 km/h (391 mph) at 6,600 m (21,650 ft)-rated altitude at 1.42 atm boost.
The Bf 109 G-6/AS resembled the later Bf 109 G-10 with its streamlined cowling, but it differed in details and also retained the standard Fo 870 oil cooler, narrower main wheels and small upper wing bumps from the Bf 109 G-6.
I am not aware of any previous 1/32 scale Bf 109 G-6/AS conversions, so this new release from A.M.U.R. Reaver is very welcome.
A.M.U.R. Reaver's 1/32 scale Messerschmitt Bf 109 G-6/AS comprises just four parts in cream coloured resin and two in nickel-plated photo-etched metal.

The main casting is the side and upper cowls, presented as one large single part.

The other parts are the upper forward cowl ring, the supercharger intake and the Fo 870 oil cooler housing.

Casting quality is very good and detail is crisp. The parts look better in person than they do in the photos due to the pale-coloured resin.
The two final pieces are the front and rear faces of the Fo 870 in thin photo-etched metal.

Instructions are supplied on a single sheet in four steps.

This conversion will require some minor surgery to the kit parts, but nothing much beyond the skill of the average modeller.
This is certainly the easiest way to build a Bf 109 G-6/AS in 1/32 scale.
A.M.U.R.'s conversion will also address some of the donor kit's shortcomings too, including the incorrect spacing between the gun troughs.
Thanks to A.M.U.R. Reaver for the sample.
Review Text and Images Copyright © 2019 by Brett Green
Page Created 17 December, 2019
Last updated
17 December, 2019
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