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Hawk 1/48 scale
OV-10D Bronco

by George Siri

North American OV-10D Bronco


Airfix 1/72 Folland Gnat is available online from Squadron for only USD$12.99!




Here are some photos of my 1/48 scale OV-10D Bronco from the old Hawk Model Company (1966).

I built it a very long long time ago.



The kit came as the A version but I modified it to the D version by extended the nose and the wing span. I also rebuilt the whole cockpit areas.

Most of the details parts were scratchbuilt - no aftermarket parts were used at all.


  • Hawk 1/48 OV-10D Bronco by George Siri: Image
  • Hawk 1/48 OV-10D Bronco by George Siri: Image
  • Hawk 1/48 OV-10D Bronco by George Siri: Image
  • Hawk 1/48 OV-10D Bronco by George Siri: Image
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I finished this one lwith Testors Model Master Enamel Paints and Testors Glosscote Dullcote Lacquer.

Text and Images Copyright © 2019 by George Siri
Page Created 28 January, 2019
Last Updated 28 January, 2019

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