Messerschmitt Bf 109 G-6

EagleCals Decals, 1/32 scale
Reviewed by James Hatch

Eagle Cals 1/32 Me 262 B Decals are available online from
Today, we have not one but TWO brand new decal sets from Eagle Editions, both concerning the Messerschmitt Bf 109G-6, in 1/32 scale. These add to the already vast catalogue of decals for this legendary fighter aircraft.
These releases are packaged into re-sealable zip-lock sleeves that contains a single, folded instructions and scheme sheet, plus two decal sheets per release that are printed by Cartograf. The instructions are colour-printed, and the front cover shows three port-side profiles and one starboard profile for the FOUR schemes in each set. Eagle Editions have yet again managed to single out some of the most stunning schemes that adorned the Gustav.
The four schemes included with EC#171 are:
Bf 109G-6, “Yellow 6”, W.Nr. unknown, pilot unknown, Eastern Front 1944
Bf 109G-6, “Red (or Black) 11” W.Nr. unknown, 2./JG 302, pilot unknown, Jüterbog, Feb 1944
Bf 109G-6, “Blue 14”, W.Nr. unknown, 12./JG 2, pilot unknown, Beaumont le Roger, France 1943
Bf 109G-6, “Black 1”, W.Nr. unknown, 8./JG 54, pilot unknown, Lüneburg, Germany, Spring 1944

The four schemes included with EC#172 are:
Bf 109G-6, “Red (or Black) 7”, W.Nr. unknown, 2./JG 302, pilot was Xaver Neumeier, Jüterbog, Feb 1944
Bf 109G-6, “Blue 17”, W.Nr. unknown, 12./JG 2, pilot unknown, Beaumont le Roger, France 1943
Bf 109G-6, “White 3”, W.Nr. unknown, I./JG 300 Wilde Sau, pilot unknown, Bonn-Hangelar, March/April 1944
Bf 109G-6, “White 11”, W.Nr. unknown, 7./JG 54, location and pilot unknown, Spring 1944

Each set has the main scheme profiles reproduced within the instructions sheet, which is superbly printed and crystal clear. These profiles are annotated to show all decal placement for the national, unit and emblem markings, plus each set contains a single machine with their wing root fairing edged in white or dark blue. These edgings are also, thankfully, supplied as decals, meaning less time in such frustrating masking tasks. These profiles also contain notes for where specific decals need to be over-sprayed slightly before the application of an overlying decal.
Inside the instructions sheet, notes are given for the individual scheme paint application, plus any particular fitting-out notes for aircraft physical details, including ETC racks, drop tanks, FuG 25 antennae, cockpit/canopy armour, antennae masts, underwing cannon, Erla or standard canopy, Wr 21cm rockets, etc. These machines have been meticulously researched so that you don’t have to trawl your library or the internet to find out specific details pertaining to them. It’s well known that Jerry Crandall is one of our foremost aficionados when it comes to this subject, and references are supplied to state that reference is from his personal collection, or in a specific published book. When it comes to marking dimensions, these are also supplied, but you’ll need to work out the width of the fuselage/tail band. That really isn’t a problem either. The notes also state that the stencils are all factory standard, and in one case, overpainted.
Each of these sets contains a complete set of stencil decals too, and a full page of the instructions is dedicated to this, with various line drawing profiles offered for your decal placement. Each stencil is highlighted with a green line pointing out its precise location, including the multitude of tedious cowl latch decals! Stencils are supplied for drop tanks too. As stencils are factory standard, box of these decal sets carry the same illustrations for this purpose.
The rear of each instruction sheet carries illustrations which show the schemes from above, to help with laying paint, and also includes partial underside illustrations that help with further decal placement.
As previously stated, there are two sheets with each set here, and the first contains the identifying markings of each machine, and in some cases, alternatively coloured numbers, where research was inconclusive.

Where the numbers have a yellow edging, the yellow number if first laid down and then the actual colour number is overlaid to give the edge effect. This sheet also contains the wing root edgings, spinner spirals, emblems etc.

The second sheet contains the national markings, with the swastika being supplied as a two-part affair to comply with archaic rules in some supposedly democratic countries. At least these have been split so that the outline is complete and allows accurate placement instead of the guesswork that sometimes happens when the outline is split into two. A complete set of stencils is printed here too.

All printing is Cartograf, and is extremely thin, has minimal carrier film, solid and authentic colour, and is glossy in finish. Registration is perfect.
Another two superb decal options for your Gustav. Beautifully illustrated, researched and printed, and offering you something that your regular kit manufacturers wouldn’t. When you look through their catalogue of current 109 decals, you can sort of see why you get some real fanatics when it comes to this machine. Most of the schemes here are also fairly easy to pull off, with maybe one or two needing a braver approach and higher skillset, but in all, these are excellent releases. They are also available in 1/48 and 1/72. Here are some links for your purchases:
Thanks to Eagle Editions for the review sample
EagleCals decals are
available from Eagle Editions
Text Copyright © 2018 by James Hatch
This Page Created on 2 April, 2017
Last updated
13 June, 2018
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