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FAC & BS Bomber Oscar Deuces

USAF/VNAF O-2A/O-2B Skymasters
in the Vietnam War 

AOA Decals, 1/32 scale


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AOA Decals has provided information on their next decal releases:

After the earlier O-1 Bird Dog and OV-10 Bronco sheets, AOA decals complete the big three Vietnam USAF FACs in 1/32 decal form with this new release covering the O-2 Skymaster for Roden's new kit:

FAC & BS Bomber Oscar Deuces 
USAF/VNAF O-2A/O-2B Skymasters in the Vietnam War 



14 schemes: 

O-2A - 7 grey USAF options, 3 black USAF options, and 1 VNAF option
O-2B - 3 SEA camouflaged USAF options (In the hopes Roden will release an O-2B boxing or someone will produce a B conversion....)

Enough data/stencils are provided for at least two aircraft.

Also included is bonus "THE FAC" decals to replace the kit version (the three black schemes in this release don't use it.)

Estimated release in Feb.

Price TBD 

More info:  www.AOAdecals.com 


Thanks to AOA Decals for the information and images

Preview Text and Images Copyright © 2018 by AOA Decals
This Page Created on 3 January, 2018
Last updated 3 January, 2018

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