WWI Modelling Special No. 7
Building the Wingnut Wings SOPWITH DOLPHIN

Albatros Productions

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For our seventh WNW Special, Ray Rimell, one of the World's most experienced WWI aeroplane modellers, turns his attention to the Sopwith 5F.1 Dolphin and Pfalz D.IIIa. With a compelling combination of modelling know-how and unique archive material, it includes 100 exclusive colour close-ups, over a dozen all-new colour profiles and more than 205 model images in the extensive build logs for both kits.
Hyper-detailed step-by-step guides backed up by over two dozen contemporary photos, drawings and a unique photographic 'walk- around' of the RAF Museum's restored Dolphin, provide invaluable insight into cockpits; armament; interior details; powerplants, finishing and rigging. Ray takes the reader through the entire building operations, from initial pre-painting to final addition of laminated wooden airscrews, with suggestions on painting ,decal application, addition of extra detail and improvements inside and out all supported by scores of carefully-chosen images at each and every stage.
Together with comprehensive bibliographies for both subjects, an extended Jargon-Buster, as well as listings of relevant accessories and decals, our latest Special is laden with top-notch material including a superb wartime centre-spread Dolphin portrait, original Dolphin rigging notes and invaluable airframe close-ups of the RAFM 5F.1during restoration at Cosford.
Although the 64 page book is aimed at modellers of the 1:32 Wingnut Wings kits, it has broader appeal for those working in other scales since a great deal of the content is pure documentation providing an unrivalled in-depth resource for anyone building either of these classic WWI biplane fighters.
Published in November 2018, price of the new WNW Special is £26.00 (plus post, packing and handling) and will be available from our secure web store and also
Albatros Productions Ltd.,10 Long View, Berkhamsted, Herts, HP4 1BY, UK. ( Tel:01442 875838) immediately upon publication.
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Copyright © 2018 Albatros Productions Ltd
This Page Created on 7 November, 2018
Last updated
7 November, 2018
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