S u m m a r y : |
Catalogue Number, Description and ISBN: |
MMP Books Yellow Series
Mil Mi-24/35 Hind
by Jakub Fotjik
978-83-65281-53-1 |
Contents & Media: |
Soft-covered A4 format book; 216 pages in English; color profiles and photographs; 1/72 detail drawings. |
Price: |
GBP £29.99 from MMP Books
or from specialist book and hobby shops. |
Review Type: |
First Look |
Advantages: |
Clear, concise and well written text, with high quality and detailed photographs. Excellent detailed scaled drawings of many versions. Comprehensively covers all variants of the Hind, from early to the latest versions. |
Disadvantages: |
Conclusion: |
A must have for anyone interested in the iconic Russian Hind helicopter. An excellent modeler’s resource for anyone wishing to add detail to their models. |
Reviewed by David Couche

HyperScale is proudly supported by Squadron
As a helicopter model builder, I was very pleased to receive a copy of this Hind book to review. Detailed references for this lethal yet iconic chopper are few, so to see this book with such detailed history and technical data is especially relevant. It makes me want to dust off my venerable Monogram Hind kit and get building.
This publication covers the legendary soviet attack type, the Mi-24 Hind helicopter. As a very first book it describes not only the history and status of the original Mi-24 variants starting with the V-
24 prototype through serial Mi-24A, Mi-24D, Mi-24V and Mi-24P models up to the last Mi-24VP production variant, but also the current development and service up to Mi-35M attack model or latest Mi-35MS VIP modification.
Each variant is introduced by its development and production history and by the service and export including war deployment. A separate chapter is dedicated to the detailed description of all Mi-24 upgrades done by Czech, French, Israeli, Polish, Slovak, South African, UK, Ukrainian and of course Russian companies. Also, the special variants and high speed prototypes including current PSV demonstrator are described in detail.
Very rare is the chapter focused on prototypes not reaching serial production. The publication includes list of export production and also list of re-exports giving to the reader a full idea of the world footprint of the Hind.
A detailed technical description is attached with highlighting of variants deviations. All variants are lavishly illustrated by mostly colour pictures including the last chapter of 53 pages, of strip down and walk around pictures of the helicopter and its systems.
There are 18 wonderful varied colour profiles by Janusz Swiation to help you if you want to model something different.

Also throughout the book are 1/72 scaled plans of most of the variants, including sectional profiles in some cases.

Excellent to check your model detail accuracy against.
Rarely do you get a publication with this depth of history, as well as the amazing degree of technical detail/photos and is possibly the definitive book on the Hind versions. This publication will be essential reading for Russian aviation enthusiasts & scale aeromodellers.
Thanks to MMP Books for the sample.
All MMP Books are available direct from
the publishers,
who now accept credit cards (Visa, MC, Amex, Switch)
North American
distributors are MMD, Australian distributors are Platypus
Publications. In Europe, the books are available from any good bookshop (via our
UK distributors, Orca). Contact MMP direct in case of difficulties.
Thanks to Roger at MMP Books for
the sample.
Review Copyright © 2018 by David Couche
This Page Created on 23 January, 2018
Last updated
23 January, 2018
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