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Spitfire 4 Slot Wheels
Plain Tread 3-Pack

BarracudaCast, 1/32 & 1/48 scales

S u m m a r y

Catalogue Number, Description and Price:

BarracudaCast Item No. BR72341 - Spitfire 4 Slot Wheels Plain Tread 3-Pack. USD$11.95 plus shipping

Scale: 1/72
Contents and Media: Resin parts
Review Type: FirstLook
Advantages: Well researched and produced.
Conclusion: BarracudaCast’s wheels are high quality drop-fit replacements for their kit equivalents. 

Reviewed by Graham Carter

HyperScale is proudly supported by Squadron.com

F i r s t L o o k



This Spitfire wheel release from BarracudaCast includes three full sets of smooth tread tyres.


As always with Barracuda these are beautifully cast and include tyre info around the beading that just lifts them over any injected plastic ones. They are presented for fitting to Eduard’s lovely kits but will fit any other model by using the inserts that come on separate blocks.





These are quite small and are desigend to be glued into the larger holes in the rear of the wheels and then drilled to fit whichever kit you are using - nifty idea!





These are seriously small and I would suggest cutting and fitting inside a plastic bag so that the carpet monster doesn’t get a feed.





Two spares are included for just that eventuality.




C o n c l u s i o n


BarracudaCast’s wheels are high quality drop-fit replacements for their kit equivalents. 

Thanks to Barracuda Studios for the images and information

Barracuda Studio products are available online from their website

Text and Images Copyright © 2018 by Graham Carter
This Page Created on 20 June, 2018
Last updated 20 June, 2018

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