Update Sets - August 2018

Aerocraft Models, 1/32 scale

Eduard's 1/48 BRASSIN Bf 109 F Engine and Fuselage Guns
are available online from Squadron.com
Aerocraft Models has three new sets available to order:
Main Undercarriage for the 1/32 ICM Polikarpov I-153

This is the main undercarriage struts for the ICM released I-153. These are the kit parts assembled into one part, which then makes an amazing casting that just drops in as a replacement part, and as it is all one part there is no tricky assembly of metal parts.

£13.00 per set plus shipping.
Main Undercarriage for the 1/32 ICM / Revell Polikarpov I-16

This is the main undercarriage struts for the ICM released I-153. These are the kit parts assembled into one part, which then makes an amazing casting that just drops in as a replacement part, and as it is all one part there is no tricky assembly of metal parts.

£13.00 per set plus shipping.
Eurofighter Typhoon nose Wheel Undercarriage Strut for the 1/32 Revell kit
This is the nose wheel strut for the Revell Typhoon, that has had details improved and extra details added. It is an amazing casting that just drops in as a replacement part, and as it is all one part there is no tricky assembly of metal parts. You will note one small plastic strut from the kit is still used but this will only be needed for asthetic's as all the weight is taken by the main part.

Once you add a few bits of piping / hoses it will really look amazing, and offer the strength needed.

£8.00 plus shipping

You can see order these and see some more details at the website.www.aerocraftmodels.com
Review Text and Images Copyright © 2018 by Aerocraft Models
Page Created 27 August, 2018
Last updated
27 August, 2018
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