Hasegawa's 1/72 scale
Lockheed P-38J Lightning
by Mark Davies

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This is my is my Hasegawa 1/72 scale P-38J Lightning.
I replaced the seat and added radio wires etc, added radiator inserts to avoid a see-through effect on the tail-booms.
I used the kit’s P-38 F canopy as the P-38J I was building had this early style canopy.
The model was painted with Testor's Model Master enamels and decals were applied. I started over again because the Aeromaster decals were some of the worst I’ve ever used (they were thick, inflexible and wouldn’t react to decal softener).

Having painted the final colours, the booms were sprayed green. I cut templates from the decal instructions and masked out the dragons, then re-sprayed the olive drab and neutral grey.
I made my own brew of decal softener from Acetic Acid Glacial (a benefit of working for a lab suppliers wholesaler), and added the yellow dashed outlines to the dragons having trimmed the carrier film as much as a I could and using my decal softener.
Touched up with hand painting as necessary and added Academy bombs.

Model, Images and Text Copyright ©
2017 by Mark Davies
Page Created 11 September, 2017
Last Updated
11 September, 2017
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