Revell's (Trimaster / Dragon) 1/48 scale
Focke-Wulf Fw 190 D-11
by Carlos Vargas
Focke-Wulf Fw 190 D-11 |

Kitty Hawk's 1/48 UH-1D is available online from Squadron
Kit #: 04548
Scheme used: Red 4, Fw 190 D-11, flown by Lieutenant, Karl Heinz Hoffmann in Munchen Rhein, Germany! April 1945. From JV-44, used to cover during the take-offs and landings of the Me-262 of this unit formed by the great General Adolf Galland, since the Me-262 were; Very vulnerable and was used by allied fighters to carry out their shootdowns, the red color below is to prevent the same anti-aircraft batteries around the airfields, confused them with enemy fighters, is why that Red RLM 23 with white stripes .

Note: This scheme used was done on an original paint scheme, so many warnings and nomenclatures are not appreciated since when repainted, they are lost.
The changes / improvements were made to the kit, small tail of the right escapes, reinforcements in the wings, all of the above with Plasticard, to make it as faithful as possible to the D-11, it was engraved and pierced the rectangles in Each wing to resemble the ejectors of the 30mm bushings and the wrong inspection hatchs or accesses were sealed.
Replacement of 20mm long cannons with 20G caliber hypodermic needles and 30mm cannons for 18G hypodermic guns, He half corrected the VS-111
Wood propel as it is seen that I have this Modified Focke Wulf to climb faster, the clear parts are Eduard's kit, since other than those that brought the Kit are wrong, came games!

I also add that to accommodate the windshield or front glass is necessary to climb the Cowling and with the help of plasticard I achieve but I take a lot of work. Placement of Swastikas from another kit since Revell does not include them, point repainting and cable laying of the mast with special Nylon, perforation of the site of navigation lights and realization of them since the one that brings the KiT are Bizarre.
Model Master Enamel range, RLM 04, Flat Black, Chrome Silver and Aluminiun, Humbrol Enamel # 53 Gun Metal, Gunze Sangyo acrylic range: RLM 02, Clear Green and Clear Red. Gunze Lacquer RLM 70,76, 81, 82, 83 and RLM 23. From the Tamiya Acrylic range: Semi Gloss Black, Flat Black and Red Brown for general weathering on panels and escapes and Flat Red.
Oleo's Reeves, Burnt Umber, Raw Umber, White Ivory, Ocher, Green and Black, Hollin natural for leaks, and chalk pastel for rubbers with oils also to simulate some dust.

Varnishes used: Future Floor Polish for the Bright and Flat Clear acrylic layer of testors.
Liquids for decals: Solo Gunze Sangyo Mr Setter.
First: Mr. Surfacer # 1000.
Thinners / Thinners: Menequin of national manufacture and alcohol to 100% also of national manufacture.
Putty used: Milliput white super fine and cyanoacrylate in some parts to recover.
Aerographs used: Iwata Revolution CR and Paasche VL.
Adhesives used: Tamiya Extra Thin, Revell Contacta, Loctite "Super Bonder" Cyanoacrylate and Gunze Sangyo Mr. Cement type S.
This was a model commissioned by a friend and client, started from scratch and took about 4 months to complete, a model not easy to finish, needs a lot of research, the instructions are pretty bad and I think they do not help much, due to it there was a terrible confusion since a branch where the JUMO 211 engine is, to arm it did not bring the instructions, so to obviate those parts and besides this also it is necessary to do much Scratch to properly accommodate that motor in the model, it hurts not To have that part of the instructions and worse still I noticed too late.
Model, Images and Text
Copyright ©
2016 by Carlos Vargas
Page Created 24 July, 2017
Last Updated
24 July, 2017
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