Zvezda's 1/72 scale
Messerschmitt Bf 109 F-2
by John Swarbrick

Messerschmitt Bf 109 F-2

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is available online from Squadron.com for only $44.99!
Here is my 1/48 scale Zvezda Messerschmitt Bf 10 F-2. This model represents Hannes Trautloft’s aircraft from JG 54.
I bought a 2nd hand copy of Monogram Close Up 9 Bf 109 F and this features a well know colour image of this aircraft although the colours in the image are degraded.
JG 54 camouflage havs been the subject of much debate I ran with a two-greens scheme.
The kit is built pretty much straight from the box.
I added in a set of Eduard's Steel seat belts and some additional plumbing on the engine from fine lead wire and brass rod.
Zvezda gives you lots of options in the box and the instructions need careful consideration to work out what you need for a given aircraft. Trautloft's markings are provided as an option in the kit.

I wanted to build a kit with the engine on display so I built this up first I added some serial numbers to the engine from repurposed tank serials and a few plaques from one of Mike Grants decal sheets.
The kit went together very nicely with minimal filler needed.
I primed the completed Airframe with Mr Surfacer and then used Mr Colour Lacquers thinned with self levelling thinnersI picked a couple of green shades that seemed plausible and free handed the camouflage scheme. I use an old olympos graphics airbrush which gives a nice fine line. I masked the yellow fuselage band and painted this RLM yellow over a white base. Undersides are RLM 65. The model then received a couple of coats of Super clear lacquer in preparation for decals.
I used the kit decals and these went on fine using Mr Setter which pulled them into the surface detail with no issues.

Once dry I sealed them in with another coat of super clear and then rubbed the paintwork back a bit with a 3000 grit sanding sponge and then used guns flat clear for a flat coat.
I added an overall wash of highly thinned umber oil paint and removed this with cotton buds leaving a trace in the fine panel lines. With a heavier was of umber and black in the hinge lines for the flaps etc.

I made a series of differing tints of highly thinned Tamiya buff an black enamel paints for exhaust staining and general grimy streaks on the fuselage and then used some pastel for mud deposits on the wheels and tyres. With a bit of silver watercolour pencil for scratches here and there.
I think Zvezda’s 109s offer a great build with good OOB detail and lots of options with out needing to resort to Aftermarket parts.
Images were shot with a Canon 5D and 24-105 f4 Lens At f22. Background is a sheet of semi reflective white card and I lit the model with a fixed output soft box with daylight corrected bulbs and a speed light diffused with a shoot through umbrella.
Text and Images Copyright ©
2017 by John Swarbrick
Page Created 29 August, 2017
Last Updated
29 August, 2017
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