Bf 109 G-6 & G-14

1/72 scale
Reviewed by Mark Davies

Xtradecal's 1/72 scale Junkers Ju 87 B/K/R Stuka decals
are available online from
It seems there is endless demand for Bf 109 decal options, and it is one that BarracudaCals is happy to meet with some thoroughly researched options covering the Bf 109G-6 and G-14.
BarracudaCals offers seven interesting schemes to suit not just adherents of “The One True Scale” but also supplies the same markings in 1/48 and 1/32 scales. The title advises that this is Part 1, so we obviously have more Bf 109G-6 and G-14 options to look forward to.
The Decals
The decals are supplied in BrarracudaCals’ usual zip-lock plastic bag with the folded instructions showing the six schemes in profile on the facing page. The instructions are nicely produced in colour, clearly indicate markings placement and use RLM paint codes for the airframe colours.
The instructions include general notes on factory paint scheme applied to the Bf 109G-6 and G-14, and draw the reader’s attention to additional discussion of some of the schemes by Anders Hjortsberg, the main researcher and creator of the artwork accompanying this set.
Each option has the aircraft details, unit and pilot’s name where known, location and timeframe recorded, and often mention of the factory it was built in or overhauled by. The written description of the paint scheme’s appearance and characteristics goes into considerable detail covering many aspects of the aircraft’s appearance, and mentions physical airframe features as well.
These notes and online discussion serve to reinforce the amount of research that has obviously gone into this set, and all contributing researchers are acknowledged.
Each scheme is illustrated with a single profile and upper and lower plan views. Black & white outline plans covers stencil placement, with stencils sufficient for two airframes supplied.
The subjects covered by this set are:
Bf 109G-6. Black 10 of IV./JG54, Dorpat, Russia, early 1944.
Bf 109G-6. Yellow 20 of 3./EKG(J), Ansbach, Germany, March 1945.
Bf 109G-6. << + - of II./JG11, flown by Günther Specht, Germany, February 1944.
Bf 109G-14. White 21of Franz Wienhusen, Gruppenkommandeur IV/JG4, autumn 1944.
Bf 109G-6. White Chevron of III./JG1 flown by Friedrich Eberle at Eelde, October 1943
Bf 109G-6. Yellow 6, of 9./JG3, Normandy, July 1944 Bf 109G-14. White 21 of Franz Wienhusen, Gruppenkommandeur IV./JG4, autumn 1944.
Bf 109G-6. Blue 62 of JG 110, Finow, Germany, early spring 1945.
The instructions also invite the modeler to visit BarracudaCals’ web-site to download a larger version of the instructions from their website; which is a nice touch for old eyes like mine (I am advised by Roy Sutherland that the link will be in place upon his return from the US Nationals).

The decals themselves are superbly printed by Cartograf with excellent registration and colour density.
This is a superbly produced set of what in are obviously some very well researched Bf 109G schemes. I think they are good value, and it should come as no surprise that I highly recommend them.
Highly Recommended.
Thanks to BarracudaCals for this sample.
Text and Images Copyright © 2016 by Mark Davies
This Page Created on 8 August, 2016
Last updated
9 August, 2016
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