B-1B Detail & Correction Sets

Barracuda Studios,

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Roy Sutherland has sent the following information and images of the next releases in Barracuda Studios' range of accessories:
Barracuda Studios is very excited to finally announce a suite of sets that have been almost 3 years in the making.
The B-1B from Monogram is easily the best Bone in 1/72nd scale, but it could use some help to bring it up to today's standards. It is a good bit of work if you want to go whole hog. Are up for the challenge?
This is not a weekend project. There is a fair bit of cutting and gluing and filling and sanding involved if you use all these new sets, but the finished product is going to be a show stopper! I think you will agree that the level of detail is pretty impressive, and the shapes and contours will be greatly improved. These sets also address the numerous upgrades to the B-1B since the Monogram kit was first released. Uncovered exhausts. DAS fairings and antennas. Towed decoy fairings.
Here's what's coming and images of what we can show you so far.
BR72299 1:72 Scale B-1B Lancer Main and Nose Wheel Set $19.95

Set contain 2 resin nosewheels and 8 mainwheels w detailed hubs, accurate tire tread, data and logos to replace the kit parts. Set also includes pre-cut paint masks.

For the Monogram B-1B kit, but can be adapted to The Airfix Bone as well.
BR72301 1:72 Scale B-1B Lancer Wing Glove Set $9.95

Set contain 2 detailed, accurate wing gloves to plug the cavernous openings
created when the wings are swept forward.

A reasonably simple installation, but a huge improvement in the look of the finished model.

For the Monogram B-1B kit.
Still in development, but coming soon:
BR72296 1:72 Scale B-1B Nose and Tail Correction Set - Late Price TBD

Contains a new accurately shaped and detailed radome, tailcone with towed decoy fairings, tailplane fairing, DAS antennas and separate flow vanes.

Corrects and updates the Monogram fuselage, which was modeled after a very early production aircraft.

For the Monogram kit.
BR72298 1:72 Scale B-1B Late Exhausts with Nacelle Correction Price TBD

Contains parts to correct the rear of the kit nacelles and inner wing root, as well as detailed, accurate uncovered exhaust nozzles with separate actuators.

Also features separately molded APUs, flow vanes and flame holders.

The amount of detail added in this set alone is going to add a lot of visual interest to your model. For Monograms’s B-1B
BR72300 1:72 Scale B-1B Lancer Engine Intake Set Price TBD

Set contain accurate nacelle fronts with separate aux. intake doors, complete engine intakes featuring internal flow vanes and detailed turbine faces. This is a huge improvement to both the shape and finesse of the engine intakes. The kit parts are undersized, with very little detail. For Monogram’s B-1B kit.

This is a preview only. Sets are in various stages of production and are slated for release in September. Prices to be determined. We are not accepting pre-orders at this time and the sets are not yet up on the website. Be assured that when they are almost ready to go, we will be making an announcement here.

As you can see, this is a major upgrade that will allow you to produce a truly stunning B-1B in 1/72nd scale. We have been keeping this under wraps for a long time now, and it feels good to finally be able to bring this huge project to fruition!
Happy modelling! Roy
Thanks to Barracuda Studios for the images and information
Barracuda Studio products are
available online from their website
Text and Images Copyright © 2016 by Barrcuda Studios
This Page Created on 2 August, 2016
Last updated
2 August, 2016
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