AH-1Z Vipers Den
Decal Preview

Werner's Wings, 1/48 scales

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Werner's Wings has has sent the following information on their newest release:
Werner’s Wings is pleased to announce the release of our latest decals, AH-1Z Vipers Den (WW Decals 48-08), for the new Kitty Hawk 1/48th scale AH-1Z Viper. The sheet contains markings for eight aircraft from the often overlooked West Coast units, as well as, limited stencils for two aircraft. Thoroughly researched by Mason Doupnik and Patrick Najmulski these decals are the same quality that you’ve come to expect from Werner’s Wings. The colors are spot on and the markings are unique and interesting options.
The units included are:
VMM-163 (REIN)_YP43
HMM-268 (REIN)_YQ41
HMM-364 (REIN)_PF44
VMM-161 (REIN)_YR44
- VMM-166 (REIN)_YX46
They are available now through the Werner’s Wings website (www.wernerswings.com ) or at our Ebay store. Pricing will be the same as our other 1/48th scale decals, $14 USD plus shipping.
Our next release will be for the Kitty Hawk 1/48th scale UH-1Y Venom. WW Decals 48-09 will be entitled UH-1Y Deadly Venom look for it shortly. We are also working on a Marine Corps AH-1 Sheet that will cover the Corps’ use of the Cobra from the AH-1G models in Vietnam to the Zulu in Afghanistan.
We are working on some resin updates for the Kitty Hawk AH-1Z. They will be printed in CAD and hopefully available shortly. We have a few projects in the works including helicopter crew and pilot figures by Doug Cohen in a variety of scales. We will also be releasing our first 1/72nd scale upgrade for the AZ Models and the Special Hobbies AH-1Gs. Both kits and most UH-1D/H kits have the incorrect tail rotor so we are providing a new tail rotor blade assembly.
If you have any questions feel free to contact me at fwernerjr@comcast.net or overseas should write me at info@wernerswings.com.
We also have an Ebay Store to purchase items.
We are also on Facebook for those who want to get the latest news and just say hi.
Text and Images Copyright © 2015 by Werners Wings
This Page Created on 26 February, 2015
Last updated
26 February, 2015
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