Lafayette Escadrille
Decal Preview

Kiwi Resin,
1/32 scale

HyperScale is proudly supported by
Dave Lochead from Kiwi Resin has sent the following information on their latest release:
Kiwi Resin has released a 1/32 Lafayette Escadrille decal set.

I chose 4 different subjects in the hope the modeler gets maximum use from his purchase.
Two of the subjects, the Nieupot 17 and SPAD 13 were specifically included so modelers who own the old Hobbycraft/Academy kits can ressurect them and not have the worry of using the very poor, and sometimes old, kit decals.

These are available on my web page:
Text and Images Copyright © 2015 by Kiwi Resin
This Page Created on 7 September, 2015
Last updated
7 September, 2015
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