Supermarine SPITFIRE F.24

Allied Wings No.18
Reviewed by Mark Davies

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In most publications I’ve read on the Spitfire, mention of the F.24 is usually limited to a few notes at the back end of a section on the F.22, given the similarities between the two.

The introduction is a succinct description of the F.24 and technical differences vs the F.22. Also covered are the Serial number blocks of F.24 production, detailing F.22 conversions and new airframes. A unit history follows the introduction, and aside from trial airframes the F24 only served with No80 Squadron with the RAF. The services started in Germany in January 1948 and finished in January 1952, with the remaining airframes passing to the Hong Kong Auxiliary air force. Miscellaneous service is briefly covered by the next section: trials airframes and service with the HKAAF.
Following that there is register of disposition by serial number, handy if you are wishing to model a particular airframe, and roll of honour, for those pilots who lost their lives flying the F.24 with the RAF.

Finally, three colour profiles complete the publication. Two cover the F.24 in Germany and Hong Kong with 80 Squadron, both camouflaged, and the last a Silver machine of the HKAAF.
An easy read, and the best coverage of the Supermarine Spitfire F.24 to date. A must have for anyone modelling the last of the Spitfires.

Review Copyright © 2015 by Mark Davies
This Page Created on 3 July, 2015
Last updated
3 July, 2015
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