Hornet, Sea Hornet
and F-104 Update Sets

Barracuda Studios, 1/48 scale

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Roy Sutherland has sent the following information and images of the next releases in his range of accessories, which are available to order right now:
Barracuda Studios is proud to announce three new products in 1/48th scale. Yes, Barracuda is doing jet stuff! You can expect a lot more jet products in the coming year in all three scales. Fans of prop aircraft need not worry. There is plenty more coming.
BR48216 DH Hornet / Sea Hornet mainwheels 1/48 scale

Accurate, super detailed 32” four-slot mainwheels with staggered block tread tires, as fitted to all variants of the Hornet & Sea Hornet. Tires feature raised logos, data and tire beading. Each wheel is a one piece casting. No assembly is required. A fast, easy and very noticeable upgrade! Master pattern by Master Mike.
BR48218 DH Hornet / Sea Hornet Droptanks 1/48 scale

Accurate, super detailed streamlined drop tanks fitted to all marks of the Hornet & Sea Hornet. Tanks are handed as they were on the real aircraft. Designed for the Trumpeter, Classic Airframes kits, which are missing these ubiquitous droptanks, and the beautiful Dynavector vac kits as well. Master patterns by Roy Sutherland.
BR48082 F-104 Starfighter Dragchute Housing 1/48 scale

This set contains one super detailed drag chute housing in deployed and empty position with chute compartment door open. Designed for the Hasegawa F-104 Starfighter series, but can be adapted to fit other kits. A neat extra detail to set your next Starfighter apart. Master pattern designed by Milt Poulous.
All three products are up on the website and available for purchase.
Happy modelling! Roy
Thanks to Barracuda Studios for the images and information
Barracuda Studio products are
available online from their website
Text and Images Copyright © 2015 by Barrcuda Studios
This Page Created on 10 February, 2015
Last updated
10 February, 2015
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