Hasegawa's 1/72 scale
by Clark Duan
F-16A |
Hasegawa's 1/72 scale F-16A is available online from Squadron.com
This is my 1/72 Hasegawa F-16A.
It's a very old kit, I got it from my friend several years ago.
Comparing to Tamiya's new tooling F-16 kit, this kit is lack of details. I didn't have the enthusiasm to build this kit till I found a interesting picture of F-16AM. This picture shown a Belgium F-16AM in the tiger meeting paint scheme. both side of the vertical tail are tiger patterns. Because no decal available here, I decided to draw this tiger pattern by myself. first of all, I use airbrush with tamiya acrylic color to paint the background colors--gray, white, yellow and red to draw out the approximate profile of the tiger head, than I use AV colors to draw the detail of the tiger.

I also add lots of details in the cockpit and scratchbuild the eject seat. The shape of nozzle from kit is not correct, so I designed a homemade PE part to replace it. I also modified the airbrake, this airbrake can be displayed in both open and closed position. the landing gear can be removed and the door of landing gear bay can be closed ,so I can display this F-16 in both ground and flying status. All control surface such as flaps, leading edges and elevators can be displayed in different positions

I embedded very small magnet into the missiles, fuel tanks, bombs and pylons, so lots of different combination of out loads can be applied to this aircraft.
Hope you enjoy it!
Model, Images and Text Copyright ©
2015 by Clark Duan
Page Created 2 January, 2015
Last Updated
2 January, 2015
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