Kinetic's 1/48 scale
by Roberto Mantuano


Eduard's 1/32 scale Bf 109 E-4 is available online from
After a long wait, finally the Kinetic 1/48 scale AMX is here!
I have wanted this kit because I live near Amendola, home of the 32o Stormo that have the AMX ,therefore i see the litle fighter bomber almost every day for many years flying over me!
And now the model. It is a very good kit, a litle on the complicate building, but nothing more.
The result is very convincing, but has 2 or 3 mismatches. First the dimension of the tyres are way too big. After scratching my head I discovery that the dimension are almost right for the Kfir/Mirage also from Kinetic. Luckily, the the tyres on those kits look too SMALL for the deltas, but are perfect for the AMX, therefore I swapped the parts and with litle work they look much, much better!
The HUD sits too high on the coaming and the windscreen doesn't fit. The etched part need to lowered 1,5 or 2 mm.
Finaly the decals are very good but with some missing: the slime lights for the navigation are totaly missing, the Buscaglia logo on the top right side of the fin is missing and the black stripes on the lower part of the auxliary tanks are missing too.
Now I can't wait for the AMX-T, the two-seater version and my favourite versio; and the Brasilian version is already on the workbench.
Stay tuned!
Images and Text Copyright ©
2015 by Roberto Mantuano
Page Created 14 June, 2015
Last Updated
14 June, 2015
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