Multi-Shape Punch Set


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NEWS 2014 Dear fellow modelers, UMM-USA is releasing several new tools in 2014. The first is the Multi-Shape Punch Set which is available now on our website store. See the review below for more details. or
Look for two more new releases in February and March 2014: the Centering Jig and the Louvre Punch Set. The Centering Jig will help you locate the exact center of a variety of shapes while the Louvre Punch Set will allow you to add realistic, scale louvres in a variey of sizes and shapes to your models. We know all these new tools will be extremely useful in your model building.
UMM Multi-Shape Punch Set
Variety of punch shapes
set includes: a precision machined disk with a custom hardened rubber center. This central surface can be turned over for extended use. If needed, we will offer an aditional central section separately.
three basic punches: circle, square, and rectangle
one thin aluminum sheet included
comes in a clear plastic display case

The special base can be used with any shaped punch you can imagine. You can use our UMM punches, punches for other tools, or punches you made yourself. In the future, UMM will offer special punches, such as: squares and rectangles with rounded corners, triangles, half-circles, crosses, rings, dimpled surfaces, and hexagons, etc. These will come in different sizes suitable for different scales. We will also stock aluminum sheets in various thicknesses.

To use this tool, place the base on a solid surface and set the aluminum sheet on the rubber center. Apply pressure to your selected punch until you cut through the metal. You can also use a small hammer for thicker pieces of metal. The shapes you can produce are only limited by your imagination. For example, use Phillips screwdriver heads to make crosses which can be bent into small open boxes.Or, you can use punches with rounded surfaces to produce lenses, covers, or screw heads.

As you can see, this tool has applications for every type of model, be it aircraft, armor, ships, figure, automotive, etc. We're confident our new product will become an essential part of your modeling tool kit.
We appreciate your interest in our products.
Thanks: John Vojtech and Team UMM-USA
Thanks to John Vojtech from UMM-USA for the information and images.
Text and Images Copyright © 2014 by UMM-USA
Page Created 3 March, 2014
Last updated
3 March, 2014
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