GREX Gensis.XGi5
Airbrush Set

S u m m a r y : |
Catalogue Number and Description |
GREX Gensis.XGi5 Airbrush Set |
Price and Availability |
Retail price US$209 |
Contents and Media |
PE fret with six stainless steel glue applicators. |
Review Type |
First Look |
Advantages |
Smooth, well-manufactured and ergonomic modern design air brush for use in modeling and other spray applications |
Disadvantages |
Conclusion |
Highly Recommended for any modeler needing a new airbrush or upgrading from an older one. |
Reviewed by Cookie Sewell

Iliad Decals' 1/48 scale ANG Mustangs is available online from
Airbrushes among modelers are much like cars were in the 1960s: a Ford man will not even think about a Chevy, and a MOPAR fan looks down on both of them. Currently there are a number of dominant brands – Badger, Paasche, Iwata, and Thayer & Chandler being just four – and many other up and coming brands, of which GREX has joined the fray in the last few years.
Airbrushes have been around a long time, but modern ones date back to the first one produced by the Stanley brothers in 1893 (the same ones from the famous Steamer car line). This evolved into Thayer & Chandler and eventually today’s line of Badger airbrushes, but the designs all date back to that introduction. Today we break them down as either “single action” or “double action”. They also are made around the world: Badger, Thayer & Chandler, and Paasche are American, Harder & Steenbergen is German, Iwata is Japanese, and GREX is from Taiwan.
Single action only permits the user to adjust the air flow with a trigger or button type control. The paint is set by manually adjusting the tip. Double action permits the use to use the control in two axes to control both air flow and paint flow simultaneously. The former are good starter airbrushes, the latter are better once skills have been developed.
This airbrush is a double-action type and is provided with a few nice options. While most airbrushes are “pen-type” and shaped like a thick pen, this particular design comes with an ergonomic grip just below the barrel of the airbrush that makes it easier to grasp. A non-slip pad is also fitted to the top of the button control on top of the airbrush.
A locking device is provided via a knurled knob at the ear of the brush so that the same flow of paint can be metered out with each use. As with all double action airbrushes, pressing down controls air flow, pulling back increases paint flow.
This brush adds a few nice touches of its own. The base unit provided here comes with three interchangeable gravity feed cups that screw onto a mount at the front; 2 ml, 7 ml and 15 ml. The base can also be used for holding a tiny amount of paint for touch-up work.
There are also two needle guards for the front of the brush: a “Quick-Fit” needle cap which is ring shaped, and a “Quick Fit” Crown Cap which is notched. The latter is suggested for use in close proximity to the work to avoid backblast from the air flow by allowing it to blow out sideways. Both caps use magnets for mounting and the one not in use can be attached to the knurled knob at the rear of the brush when not needed.
The brush comes with a fitting designed to mate up with GREX compressors. This particular one also came with two additional devices not listed in the directions or box blurbs: a fitting that appears to convert it to fit on a standard Badger air hose, and one for necking down to fit into a generic rubber or vinyl air line. A small wrench is included in the neatly designed plastic storage box as well.
A few years ago I purchased the GREX TritiumTS1 airbrush at an AMPS show and later their dedicated compressor; when used together they are a very well designed setup that works well for smooth paint delivery to the subject. But while that one uses a pistol-grip control which takes a bit of practice to adapt to, the biggest drawback I had with it was that it was primarily designed for use with a lot of liquid agents and when used with the small amounts of paint I use became awkward and difficult to clean properly after each use. I therefore decided to switch to this brush, which is just what I needed.
There are four different size nozzle/needle combinations offered: 0.2mm, 0.3mm, 0.5mm, and 0.7mm. I picked the 0.5mm (.020") one as it is a general purpose one and more fitting to painting armored vehicles. The designator tells you which tip is fitted (e.g. XGi2, XGi3, or XGi5 with the 0.7mm being a special after-purchase order).
Control is very precise and the setting adjustment can prevent using too much color when not wanted. As it is straight gravity feed, cleaning it is also much easier.
Right now I have about eight different air brushes: four Badgers and a trusty old Paasche H which are my primary ones for use with enamels and lacquers; the two GREX brushes are my go-tos for use with acrylics. I have a couple of “throwaway” ones from Harbor Freight (cheapies made in China – the double-action one was only $15) that I use for experiments with things like Mr Surfacer.
The GREX brushes work magnificently with Tamiya acrylics and acrylic thinner, and I am about to try them out with some of the Vallejo and other brands as well.
This an excellent brush; while a bit on the expensive side, it may be found cheaper.
This particular one came from Chicago Airbrush Supply and was $168 with shipping.
Thanks to RB Productions for the sample.
Text and Images Copyright © 2014 by Cookie Sewell
This Page Created on 21 April, 2014
Last updated
21 April, 2014
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