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Hawker Hurricane Mk.I

Xtradecal, 1/72 scale

S u m m a r y :

Catalogue Number, Description and Scale:

Xtradecal Item No. X72193 – Hawker Hurricane Mk.I Fabric-Wing



Contents & Media

Decals for twelve subjects with colour-printed painting & markings guide. .


£6.66 plus postage available online from Hannants

Review Type:

First Look


Excellent production quality, great value.


Could have included more foreign operator options.


This is a superbly produced set of decals. It provides some interesting and appealing options for the new Airfix or older Sword/AZ Model fabric-wing Hurricane kits - Highly recommended.

Reviewed by Mark Davies

HyperScale is proudly supported by Squadron.com

F i r s t L o o k


It is no surprise that Xtradecal should offer some markings options to coincide with Airfix’s release of their superb new-tool 1/72 scale Hurricane Mk.I fabric-wing reviewed here on HyperScale recently.  

The decals will of course be equally welcome by owners of the Sword fabric-wing kit, which has also been re-released by AZ Model in a couple of boxings.

The sheet reviewed here has a strong RAF focus, but also includes a couple of Finnish schemes and markings for the prototype (some conversion work needed for this last option). This is all well and good, but perhaps the perhaps some other fabric-wing operators like the Belgians and Yugoslavs could have been included as well.  However, and on reflection, I should think that RAF and Finish options are better commercial bets, whilst the Airfix kit does provide a Belgian option and Sword’s includes Yugoslav markings; plus of course Xtradecal may be planning a separate foreign operators release.


  • Xtradecal 1/72 scale Hawker Hurricane Mk.I Fabric-Wing Review by Mark Davies: Image
  • Xtradecal 1/72 scale Hawker Hurricane Mk.I Fabric-Wing Review by Mark Davies: Image
  • Xtradecal 1/72 scale Hawker Hurricane Mk.I Fabric-Wing Review by Mark Davies: Image
  • Xtradecal 1/72 scale Hawker Hurricane Mk.I Fabric-Wing Review by Mark Davies: Image
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The decals are supplied in Xtradecal’s usual A5 window envelope. The instructions are nicely produced in colour and clearly indicate markings placement. A brief note regarding the aircraft and its station location is given for each subject, as well as advising whether a two or three-blade propeller was fitted. Not surprisingly a list of Xtracolor paint codes is also provided for the colours required. The decals look to be superbly printed and with excellent colour density.



The subjects covered are as follows:

  • K5083 Prototype first flown by George Bulman 6 November 1935 at Brooklands;

  • L1568/S, B Flt No.73 Sqn 1938 RAF Digby;

  • L1599/L,  B Flt No.56 Sqn RAF Nth Weald 1938;

  • L1768 GG-K, No.151 Sqn RAF Nth Weald 1939;

  • L1727 FT-R, No.43 Sqn RAF Tangmere 1939;

  • L1833 NU-J, No.85 Sqn RAF Debden 1939;

  • L2039 SD-A, S/Ldr Montague Clube CO No.501 (County of Gloucester) Sqn, RAF Tangmere 1939;

  • L1619 LK-P, No.87 Sqn, 60 Wing, Lille/Seclin France 1939;

  • N2358/Z,  No.73 Sqn 67 Wing Advanced Air Striking Force RAF Rouvres, France May/June 1940;

  • N2319/VY-P 85, Sqn 60 Wing Air Component BEF France flown by Sgt G. Sammy Allard on 10 May 1940 when he shot down two He111s;

  • Finnish AF, HC-456 of 1/Lrntolaivue 30, Hollola, Kesakuu, June 1940;  and

  • Finnish AF, HC-451 of Lrntolaivue 10, 1941.



C o n c l u s i o n


This is a superbly produced set of decals. It provides some interesting and appealing options for the new Airfix or older Sword/AZ Model fabric-wing Hurricane kits .

Highly recommended.

Thanks to Hannants for this sample.


Text and Images Copyright © 2013 by Mark Davies
This Page Created on 16 April, 2014
Last updated 16 April, 2014

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