F4U Corsair
Decal Preview

1/32, 1/48 & 1/72 scales

HyperScale is proudly supported by Squadron.com
fündekals has sent the following information on their next release:
Fündekals is proud to announce our first sheet of F4U Corsairs!
This sheet is the result of our taking a long, hard look at these subjects with fresh eyes, as if we’d never seen any of them before. You may find our interpretation a bit different from what you’ve seen in the past, but we’ll back up our conclusions with a lot of photographs, and we think you’ll agree!
Several of these historically important subjects have never been seen in decal form before from any source, and we think your Corsair will look killer wearing them.
Available in 1/72, 1/48, and in 1/32, just in time for the new Tamiya 1/32 F4U-1A masterpiece.
Our usual comprehensive instruction sheet, containing copious notes, photos, and diagrams (of some Corsair details you probably haven’t seen before!) will be available for download from our site, whether you want to purchase the decals or not.
Available soon and only from www.fundekals.com!
Have fun!
Text and Images Copyright © 2014 by fündekals
This Page Created on 18 September, 2014
Last updated
19 September, 2014
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