Israeli Defense Force Sptifires Preview

1/48 scale

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fündekals has sent the following information on their newest release:
Fündekals is pleased to announce our newest 1/48 sheet: Israeli Defense Force Sptifires.

The sheet covers just about the whole range of Spitfire types and units in the IDF. From the early “Frankenspits” created from wrecks in 1947-48 right up to the eye-catching blue and sand camouflaged Mk.IXes in the 1950s. You also get markings for an early version of Ezer Weizman’s famous black Spitfire.

Available now, directly from the fündekals web site at:
Text and Images Copyright © 2014 by fündekals
This Page Created on 7 August, 2014
Last updated
7 August, 2014
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