C-17A Globemaster III
Decal Preview

1/144 scale

HyperScale is proudly supported by Squadron.com
fündekals has sent the following information on their newest release:
Fündekals is pleased to announce our latest decal, aimed at the Revell Germany 1/144 C-17A Globemaster III. The sheet features markings for six of the latest users of the C-17: U.S. Air Force Reserve Command’s 445th Airlift Wing at Wright-Patterson AFB, Ohio, the Kuwait Air Force’s striking full color scheme, the UAE Air Force, the NATO Heavy Airlift Wing, the Qatar Emiri Air Force, and the Indian Air Force.

As usual, these decals are only avialble directly from fündekals via our web site located at:
Thanks, and have some fün! :)
Text and Images Copyright © 2014 by fündekals
This Page Created on 4 July, 2014
Last updated
4 July, 2014
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