Bf 109 G-6 Updates

Barracuda Studios, 1/32 scale

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Roy Sutherland has sent the following information and images of the latest releases in his range of accessories, which are available to order now:
Barracuda Studios is proud to announce five new resin upgrades, now in production and ready for sale.
These five new sets are simple and easy to install upgrades for the very nice Revell Bf-109G-6 kit. There are a number of parts in the kit that are a little off in the accuracy department. These sets address these issues with a minimum of fuss, letting your Gustav shine.
BR32122 Bf 109G-6 Prop and Spinner

This set contains a new resin prop and spinner to replace the kit items in the Revell kit or any 109 from the F-4 through the G-14. Our resin spinner is very accurate in shape and detail. The misshapen kit blades are replaced with very accurate resin versions which will make a big improvement in the look of your finished model. Easy to install. Can be adapted to fit the Hasegawa and Trumpeter kits as well.
BR32155 Bf 109G-6 Intake and Exhaust Set

This set contains a new seamless resin supercharger intake accurate for the Bf 109G-5 through the G-14, separate hollow cooling scoops and accurate and detailed exhausts with recessed openings to replace the kit items in the Revell G-6. Filling the seams inside the intake is a tricky and time consuming process. We have saved you from having to tackle this less than thrilling task. This is a simple, easy to install upgrade that will make a big improvement in the look of your finished model. Can also be adapted for the Hasegawa and Trumpeter kits.
BR32159 Bf 109G-6 Oil Cooler Fairing

This set contains one detailed, accurately shaped resin oil cooler fairing and separate exit flap that is a drop fit replacement for the kit fairing. It is too slab sided on Revell’s Bf 109G-6. Much study of photos was made in the preparation of this new set. A quick and easy drop fit replacement that will make your 109G-6 even more accurate.
BR32154 Bf-109G-5 thru G-14 Cowl Gun Bulges

This set contains accurately shaped cowl bulges for the above listed variants. They are designed for the Revell Bf-109G-6 kit. The kit cowling bulges (Bueles) are too low in profile and not accurately shaped. This set has been carefully designed from careful study of many photos, and contains the alternate starboard fairing with the extra bulge. The prominent rubber seal between the front and back halves and the mismatched fit is well represented. A simple but important upgrade. Can be fitted to the Trumpeter and Hasegawa kits as well.
BR32171 Bf 109G/K Prop and Spinner Alignment Jig

This set contains a resin jig that will allow you to center drill the spinner from BR32122 Bf 109G-6 Prop and Spinner and BR32123 Bf-109G-10 Prop and Spinner. It also contains a blade alignment jig for the standard 109G-6 type prop blade as well as the wider paddle G-10 style blade. This set is cheap, easy to use and reusable! A must have for the dedicated Gustav and Kurfurst builder.
Hope you like these new sets. Many many hours went into making them accurate and detailed as possible.
Happy modelling! Roy
Thanks to Barracuda Studios for the images and information
Barracuda Studio products are
available online from their website
Text and Images Copyright © 2014 by Barrcuda Studios
This Page Created on18 July, 2014
Last updated
19 July, 2014
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