Hawker Typhoon Products
Available Now!

Barracuda Studios, 1/24 scale

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Roy Sutherland has sent the following information and images of the latest releases in his range of accessories, which are available to order right now:
Airfix has staked their claim once again as a world class producer of kits with this Magnum Opus, the Hawker Typhoon Mk Ib in 1/24th scale. This is a superb kit in every respect. Thoroughly researched and superbly accurate, it is a big, beautiful and amazingly well detailed model. Our sets only add to the level of finesse with detail only possible in resin castings. Take your Tiffie to the next level!
R24208 Hawker Typhoon Pilot

Beautifully realized by respected sculptor Mike Good, and representing a mid to late war RAF fighter or fighter-bomber pilot, this new figure is a perfect for for the Airfix 24th scale Typhoon Mk Ib. Shown here in master form, the final figure will be molded in 4 resin parts to our usual high standard.
BR24201 Typhoon Late Style Mainwheels

These new resin mainwheels replace the kit wheels. These new wheels feature more and crisper hub detail, as well as full tire beading, logos and data on the tyre sidewalls. A simple and quick upgrade for your large scale Tiffie.
BR24202 Typhoon Carburettor Intake Ring

This new resin intake ring directly replaces the kit part, which is well done, but has incorrect spacing between the intake tube and the outer ring due to mold tooling limitations. Our ring is properly proportioned, as well as being thinner and more scale looking. A drop fit installation that will make a nice difference in the finished model
All sets are now up on the Barracuda website and ready for ordering.
Happy modelling! Roy
Thanks to Barracuda Studios for the images and information
Barracuda Studio products are
available online from their website
Text and Images Copyright © 2014 by Barrcuda Studios
This Page Created on 21 November, 2014
Last updated
21 November, 2014
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