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Spitfire Roundels and Fin Flashes Decal Preview

1/48 scale

HyperScale is proudly supported by Squadron.com


P r e v i e w



Fundekals has another new release available now:

Fündekals is proud to announce our latest sheet, desinged to replace the roundels and fin flashes from the fantastic 1/48 scale Eduard Spitfire Mk.IX.

Cost is $4 for TWO sets of roundels & fin flashes.



Although intended for the Eduard Mk IX they would be great for just about any Spitfire (fighter) from May 1942 to December 1944.

They are on the website now and are ready for shipping worldwide.


Please visit us www.fundekals.com

Text and Images Copyright © 2013 by fündekals
This Page Created on 24 June, 2013
Last updated 24 June, 2013

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