of the Hell Hawks

Barracuda Studios, 1/48 scale

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Roy Sutherland has sent the following information and images on the latest releases in his range of decals, available for pre-order now:
BC48036 Thunderbolts of the Hell Hawks (1/48 scale only)
This sheet features schemes for twenty one aircraft from the 365th Fighter group in WWII. Cartograf has done their usual superlative job printing this sheet, and the artwork has been based on careful research. Only two aircraft have ever been done as decals before, and both were incomplete. Don Barnes spent two years researching this unit and has spent hundreds of hours putting together the markings and colors for these aircraft, many see for the first time when our book "Thunderbolts of the Hell Hawks" was published back in 2011. Norris Graser brought some new information to the party, allowing us to capture the finer points of the markings of Coffee's Pot.
This new decal set comes with color instructions showing all the schemes in the set, but the real bonus is the 26 page PDF that you can download that will provide very complete and in-depth information on each aircraft on the sheet. To have printed this booklet and included it with the decals would have raised the price by 6 or 7 dollars. Too rich for most people's blood, I imagine. Now, you will have all this excellent reference on your computer, and you can print the page for each aircraft that you intent to build.
Here is a link to the product page on the Barracuda Studios website.
We are attending the IPMS USA National Convention this week, so shipments on new orders will not begin until Monday, August 19th. Thanks for your patience on the release of this new decal set.
In addition, the new F4U Corsair sets and the new Tempest wheels (all to 1/32nd scale) are now up and available for pre-sale on the website.
Happy modelling! Roy
Thanks to Barracuda Studios for the images and information
Barracuda Studio products are
available online from their website
Text and Images Copyright © 2012 by Barrcuda Studios
This Page Created on 14 August, 2013
Last updated
14 August, 2013
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