Soviet Pre & Post 1950s Airfield Display Plinths Preview

ScaleModelScenery, 1/48 & 1/72 scales

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ScaleModeScenery has a new printable display kit available:
Soviet Pre & Post 1950s Airfield Display Plinths in 1:48 and 1:72
After much demand, have just launched two new Soviet Airfield display plinths to their range in both 1:48 and 1:72 scales. The designs focus on the pre-1950's Hex slab design and the post 1950s rectangular slab design and come with realistic, pre-weathered concrete surface. Each of the 1:72 scale kits makes up a plinth 190x255x6mm and the 1:48 scale kits make a plinth 380x255x6mm.

The Post 1950s rectangular slab comes with 2 designs of top layer while the pre-1950s Hex slab version comes with no less than 4 different upper surfaces to choose from. have also added a versatile, generic 12' square slabbed airfield plinth too in both 1:72 and 1:48 scale. These come with a heavily weathered concrete upper surface and are suitable for displaying a wide variety of aircraft. They can also be tiled if you wish to form a larger surface area.

As with all kits, the plinths are supplied as download and print Adobe .PDF files so you can print and build as many display plinths as you wish from a single purchase.
The upper surfaces of each plinth design can also be used on mahogany, ply, MDF and foam-board plinths too. Prices start from just £1.99 for the 1:72 scale plinths.

For more information in the 1:48 scale plinths, please visit:

For the 1:72 scale plinths, please visit:
ScaleModelScenery products are available online from their website

Preview Text and Images Copyright © 2013 by ScaleModelScenery
This Page Created on 14 October, 2013
Last updated
14 October, 2013
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