WWII & Modern
Carrier Decks

ScaleModelScenery, 1/72 scale

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ScaleModeScenery has seven new printable display plinths available:
1:72 Scale WWII and Modern Aircraft Carrier Deck Display Plinths
The range includes a set of four modern carrier decks with a choice of plain and lined designs, and WWII era carrier deck available in a choice of Red, Brown or Blue.

The plinths are sold as download and print PDF files enabling you to display your 1:72 scale aircraft in style in just a few minutes and for minimal cost. Each design can be printed onto 200gsm white card using a colour laser or inkjet printer, cut out and assembled into a 190 x 255 x 6mm plinth.
Alternatively, the top deck design can be mounted directly onto your own choice of MDF, plywood or foam board plinth as required.

The modern carrier decks is priced at just £2.49 for a set of four, and the WWII decks are available in individual colours, complete with plain and lift sections for just £1.49 each.
As always, the purchaser is entitled to print and build as many plinths as they wish for their own personal use from a single download.

For more information, please visit http://www.scalemodelscenery.com/172-aircraft-carrier-deck-display-plinths
ScaleModelScenery products are available online from their website

Preview Text and Images Copyright © 2013 by ScaleModelScenery
This Page Created on 11 September, 2013
Last updated
11 September, 2013
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