WWI Airfield Bases Preview

Noy's Miniatures
1/72 and 1/48 scales

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Noy Pines has sent the following images and information about some new releases:
I'm happy to announce a new set from Noy's Miniatures, quality printed on cardstock, for dioramas. This is a unique and innovative tarmac sheet set depicting a WWI airfield and aimed at the WWI aviation enthusiast.
Each set includes 3 sheets: The first sheet depicts the grass and flagstone surface upon which the aircraft park; the second is a backdrop sheet depicting hangar doors, trees and sky, Summer style; the third is another backdrop sheet depicting the same hangar doors, trees and sky, but in Winter style.
The set will fit many WWI aircraft types and will therefore appeal, as mentioned, to many WWI aircraft models enthusiasts. Note that as with other Noy's Miniatures sheets, everything is printed.
However real and authentic looking, all effects are 2D. I leave it up to the modeler to add whatever 3D items he, or she, wishes.
Approx. dimensions:
Thanks to Noy Pines for the images and information.
Copyright © 2013 by Noy's Miniatures
Page Created 4 March, 2013
Last updated
4 March, 2013
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