Accessories and Updates

Brengun, 1/144 & 1/48 scale
S u m m a r y : |
Catalogue Number |
Ki45 Toryu canopy |
J2M3 Raiden canopy |
Me 262B Schwalbe
2 sets (Eduard)
Hurricane Wheels |
FW-190 Wheels |
Contents and media |
Two vac canopies |
Single Vac canopy |
Two gray resin cockpits, Photo Etch sheet + instructions. |
7 resin parts |
7 resin parts and PE + instructions |
Scale |
1/144 |
1/144 |
1/144 |
1/48 |
1/48 |
Price: |
€4.24 + postage and handling |
€4.24 + P & H
€6.66 + P & H |
€6.66 + P & H
€7.50 + P & H
Review Type |
First Look |
Advantages: |
These 1/144 canopies and resin sets replace the kit supplied plastic that is lacking in detail or to enable scale thickness that cannot be replicated in plastic or resin. The 1/48 sets provide additional detail that plastic cannot provide |
Disadvantages: |
The instructions for the Hurricane wheels are light on, otherwise all these are very straight forward sets |
Recommendation: |
Highly recommended. |
Reviewed by
Phil Parsons

Eduard's 1/48 scale MiG-23 Wheels are available online from
I have to admit that I am always drawn in awe at model competitions to the 1/144 section to gaze in amazement at the fantastic detail jammed into these tiny models. The products produced by Brengun greatly assist modellers to produce fantastic aircraft in such tiny scale. I’ve included a mix of Brengun’s and my own images in this review.
1/144 Canopies
Ki45 Toryu canopy (Nichimo)Vacu canopy for NICHIMO kit.

J2M3 Raiden canopy (Fujimi) Vacu canopy for Fujimi kit.

No major comments here, clear and tiny, I definitely would not like to mask these little fellas’!
1/144 Me 262 B
A vast improvement over the basic kit, it begins with a cockpit makeover that includes, resin tubs, PE instrument panels, instrument boxes used to hold the FuG218 receiver and its CRT display for the backseater, control column, and seats with seat belts, all up 22 parts make up the cockpit.

The next area to get the Brengun makeover is the landing gear. The undercarriage doors are replaced with PE that is closer in scale thickness over the injected plastic originals with PE wheel hubs and oleo scissors finishing off the landing gear upgrade
1/48 Fw 190
The Main wheels are a drop fit replacement with weighted resin wheels. 90% of this resin and PE set is used to super detail the tail wheel area.

5 PE and 3 resin parts make up the tail wheel assembly.
1/48 Hurricane
Probably the weakest of the sets reviewed here. There is a pinhole bubble in one wheel but this is minor. The biggest issue I have with the Hurricane wheels are the omissions in the instruction.

You are provided with two different style tail wheels, with and without a torque-link, the instructions have no information on which tail yoke to use, these very basic instructions rely on you having indepth knowledge of the Hawker Hurricane.
All these Bregun sets are all great and highly recommended for experienced modellers. Given the lack of info in the Hurricane wheels you need to know your aircraft here with this set.
Thanks to Brengun for the review sample.
Review Text Copyright © 2013 by Phil Parsons
Page Created 1 July, 2013
Last updated
1 July, 2013
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