Modelcraft ®* Glass Fibre Pencils From Shesto


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Handy MODELCRAFT®* Glass Fibre Pencils From SHESTO
Precisely Sand, Clean & Abrade Small, Less Accessible Areas!
Sanding or cleaning smaller, hard-to-reach spots? Try quality MODELCRAFT®* Glass Fibre Pencils from SHESTO LTD – world leader in quality tools and creative products for professionals and enthusiasts!*
The versatile SHESTO solutions are terrific for all kinds of craft, hobby, household and DIY projects. MODELCRAFT® Glass Fibre Pencils can precisely abrade plastic, wood, metal and other common materials. And they come in two convenient sizes:
2mm [PBU2137] and
4mm [PBU1019/1].
Smooth “orange peel” at airbrushed model-part junctures. Clean surplus solder from toy train and RC circuitry. Refine metal and jewellery crafts. Enhance carvings and sculptures. And remove small car and household rust spots. MODELCRAFT® Glass Fibre Pencils handle all sorts of surfaces and shapes!
Propelling (mechanical) pencil action controls the amount of exposed glass fibres. Shorten fibres for more abrasive action. Lengthen them for less. Also available are handy refill packs – and a 10mm string-bound Glass Fibre Brush [PBU1022/10] for larger areas.
Other MODELCRAFT® tools for precisely abrading craft, hobby, household and DIY tasks include:
Double Ended Sander Holder [PAB1401/S]. With 6 Fine detachable “wet & dry” sanding pads! This versatile new tool features “hook & loop” (Velcro®) attachments for sanding pads on both ends of an ergonomically shaped wooden grip. Swap grits in a snap! Sanding pads also feature scalloped edges for accurately finishing small details. And 10-pad replacement packs come in 1500 grit [PAB1415] and 2500 grit [PAB1425]. Perfect for refining plastic model surfaces!
File Sander [PFL6025]. This handy, spring-loaded device sports a 25mm-wide medium sander band – which can rotate as sanding surfaces wear. Unique shape and rugged plastic handle permit precise control. Terrific for “wet & dry” use on both flat and curved surfaces!
Sanding Blocks. In 10mm [PFL6010], 20mm [PFL6020] and 40mm [PFL6040] sizes, the unique shape of the MODELCRAFT® devices brilliantly abrades both flat and curved surfaces. Advance the sanding bands for fresh grit. Replacement packs contain coarse, medium and fine grades for “wet & dry” applications. Excellent for sanding model parts!
SHESTO also offer a wide range of files, probes & carvers, and reamers & broaches – as well as a full selection of sanding and polishing accessories for mini rotary power tools.
The growing line of MODELCRAFT® abrasives is excellent for a wide range of activities, including:
• crafts & hobbies,
• sculpture & 3-D art,
• jewellery making & engraving,
• wood- & metal-working
• furniture restoration,
• automotive detail & spot repair,
• electronic & light industrial work,
• small DIY jobs, and
• household repairs.
For details, contact SHESTO LTD, Unit 2 Sapcote Trading Centre, 374 High Road, Willesden, London, NW10 2DH, United Kingdom:
Tel: +44 (0) 20 8451 6188
Fax: +44 (0) 20 8451 5450
For over a century, SHESTO LTD have led the world in quality tools for professionals and enthusiasts alike. In addition to its popular MODELCRAFT® tools range, the company’s comprehensive lines of creative, precision products include SPRAYCRAFT®, JEWELTOOL®, LIGHTCRAFT®, ROTACRAFT®, and FOILART®. SHESTO currently supply tools to over 60 countries worldwide.
Thanks to Shesto for the information and images.
Text and Images Copyright © 2012 by Shesto
Page Created 21 September, 2012
Last updated
21 September, 2012
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