Decal Preview

1/72, 1/48 and
1/32 scales

HyperScale is proudly supported by
A brand new decal brand is launching with four new releases in three scales:
fündekals is proud to announce their new decal venture.
They will be developing sheets around single subjects based on extensive research.
The first few sheets are back from the printers and ready to ship.
First is a P-51D/K stencil data sheet derived from NAA factory drawings and printed by Cartograf in 1/32nd scale.

The following sheets are available in 1/72, 1/48, and 1/32 scale:
P-40N-5 42-105128, 2nd Lt Philip R. Adair, 89th FS 80th FG 10th AF Nagaghuli, India - Early 1944
Spitfire IXc MH434 as AI-A/N3310 - 1968
P-51D-15-NA 44-15569 - Capt. Roscoe C. Brown, Jr.- 100th FS 332nd FG 15th AF - Ramitelli, Italy - March 1945
Spitfire Mk.VIII JF472: ZX-J - S/L Lance "Wildcat" Wade - 145 Squardon RAF - San Severo, Italy -November 1943
Please visit us
We will have a table at the Region IV IPMS Convention in Dayton April 13-14. Stop by and say hello!
Text and Images Copyright © 2012 by fündekals
This Page Created on 12 April, 2012
Last updated
12 April, 2012
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