F-14A/D Tune Up Sets

A.M.U.R. Reaver, 1/48 scale
Reviewed by Rodger Kelly

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A.M.U.R Reaver is based in Russia and as the names suggests, produces high quality photo-etched parts to enhance existing kits.
These two sets, PE4802, specifically for the F-14D and 4803 for the F-14A, are both designed to be used with the Hasegawa Tomcat kits but the small instruction sheet that accompanies the sets advise that it is suited to any F-14A/D kit.
The frets of both set carry 24 parts each. The parts included will replace the various meshes grills and vents that are seen on the F-14 including those of the air conditioning systems, the gun ventilation louvres and the inner ducting of the NASA intakes. Both frets also carry replacement nose gear doors. A look at the accompanying images – shamelessly stolen from the A.M.U.R. website! – will show you what you can achieve using the parts. Some of the parts will require some very careful bending but you will be reward by your efforts.
Instructions are via a small sheet, printed on both sides that carry black and white line drawings showing how to place the individual parts.
Each fret comes in a tightly fitted plastic sheath which is placed inside of a clear plastic zip loc bag along with the instruction sheet.
Definitely aimed at the experienced modeller!
Thanks to A.M.U.R. for the review sample.
Review Text and Images Copyright © 2012 by Rodger Kelly
Page Created 25 January, 2012
Last updated
26 January, 2012
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