Yellow Wings Decals Press Release
3rd Annual Special
Holiday Sale

Eduard's 1/48 scale MiG-21BIS is available online from
Wayne Tevlin from Yellow Wings Decals has sent the following information about their 3rd Annual Special Holiday Sale:
To all our valued customers and friends:
Yellow-Wings Decals would like to invite you to take advantage of our 3rd Annual Special Holiday Sale.
Our website offers a price reduction of 25% off and more on our entire inventory until January 15th 2012 (1/15/2012); you’ll see your discount at checkout.
In addition, from now until January 15th 2012 (1/15/2012) we will be offering $1.00 SHIPPING on all domestic orders and $3.00 on foreign orders.
Whether you have a kit on the bench or one in your “stash” or maybe you think you’ve been good and Santa might be bringing you one, we can help you complete your project.
We offer the best between-the-wars decals, fully researched with comprehensive instructions backed by documentation.
Our decals are printed in the U.S.A. by Microscale, a leader in the industry.
So browse our website and check out the good deals you’ll find there.
We hope you will take advantage this, our Third Annual Holiday Sales Event. Stock up now!!
Visit our website at:
Thank you for your loyal support and continued interest in our products.
Happy Holidays and Best Wishes for the New Year.
Wayne Tevlin
Yellow-Wings Decals