P-40B Decals

Xtradecal, 1/72 scale

HyperScale is proudly supported by Squadron.com
Xtradecal has been quick off the mark in designing a new decal sheet for the brand new Airfix 1/72 scale Hawk 81-A-2 / P-40B Tomahawk with 13 markings options.
The subjects covered are:
AH179 RM-E 26 Sqn Gatwick 1941;
AK185 RU -V 414(RCAF) Sqn Croydon 1941;
AH882 KH-A 403(RCAF) Sqn Gatwick 1941;
AH784 NM-P 268 Sqn 1941;
AH781 SP-S 404(RCAF) Sqn Odiham 1941;
AH940 XV-U 2 Sqn. All Dark Green/Dark Earth/Sky. The two Gatwick based had black under port wings for an exercise.
AK498 LB-C 250 Sqn Flt Lt Clive Caldwell RAAF 1941;
AK461/A 112 Sqn 1941 Shark Mouth;
AK431 E-D 77 OTU Aden 1943/44;
AN311 TA-C 2 Sqn SAAF Lt Danny Saville downed Mc 200 on 21-11-41;
AN377 KJ-B 4 Sqn SAAF Lt Johnny Van Nus brobable shared Me 109 9-6-42 - All North Africa Dark Earth/Stone/Azure Blue;
AH899 PB-F 1683 Bombing Defence Training Flt Bruntingthorpe 1943 Dk Green/Ocean Grey/Med Sea Grey;
US Army 55 Pursuit Sqn 20 Pursuit Group California 1941 OD/Neutral grey

The decal sheet is expected at ScaleModelworld in November.
Thanks to Hannants for the images.
Images Copyright © 2011 by Hannants
This Page Created on 9 October, 2011
Last updated
9 October, 2011
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