Mustang Mk.IV Decals

Xtradecal. 1/32, 1/48 & 1/72 scales

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Xtradecal has been quick off the mark in designing a new decal sheet for the brand new Tamiya 1/32 scale P-51D Mustang. The new decal sheet, X32043, contains six interesting options for RAF, RCAF and RAAF Mustang Mk.IVs in Europe.

It is also available in 1/48 and 1/72 scales.
Specific subjects are:
KH655 QV-P 19 Sqn RAF Peterhead;
KM680 Y2-B 442 (RCAF) Sqn PO A.J.Mallandine 'Edmonton Special' RAF Hunsdon May;
KH755 CV-W 3 (RAAF) Sqn 'Anita' Italy. All three of these are finished in OD/Dk Grey/Med Grey.
KH765 HG-R 154 Sqn Alex Forsyth RAF Hunsdon;
KM138 AK-Y 213 Sqn Italy;
KM232 JAS Wg.Cdr J.A.Storrer Wing Ldr RAF Hunsdon. (All three of these options are in Aluminium, and all depicted in 1945).
The decal sheet is expected in the next week or two, but may be ordered right now.
Thanks to Hannants for the images.
Images Copyright © 2011 by Hannants
This Page Created on 21 June, 2011
Last updated
21 June, 2011
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