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BAe Hawk T.1
Overall Black
1992 - 2010

Xtradecal, 1/32 scale

S u m m a r y :

Catalogue Number:

Xtradecal X32-029 - BAe Hawk T.1 Overall Black 1992 - 2010



Contents & Media:

Decals for ten subjects with colour-printed painting and markings guide.


£8.32 available online from Hannants

Review Type:

First Look


Excellent production quality and attractive subject choices.




The markings contained on this sheet will allow you to replicate ten of the all-black schemes that the Hawk wore.

Reviewed by Rodger Kelly

HyperScale is proudly supported by Squadron.com

F i r s t L o o k


Xtradecal has been quick off the mark in releasing five new sheets for the new 1/32 scale Revell BAe Hawk kit.  This sheet provides markings that will enable you to model ten different airframes in the basic overall glossy black scheme worn by the Hawk.


  • BAe Hawk Decal Review by Rodger Kelly: Image
  • BAe Hawk Decal Review by Rodger Kelly: Image
  • BAe Hawk Decal Review by Rodger Kelly: Image
  • BAe Hawk Decal Review by Rodger Kelly: Image
  • BAe Hawk Decal Review by Rodger Kelly: Image
Thumbnail panels:
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Details of the individual options are as follows:

  • XX194 assigned to the Commanding Officer, 100 Squadron based at RAF Leeming in 2000.
  • XX289, Commanding Officer, 100 Squadron, RAF Leeming in special markings celebrating the 90th Anniversary of the RAF Benevolent Fund.  It wears hearts in the centre of its roundels in place of the standard marking as well as “Royal Air Force” titles and the words “the RAF Benevolent Fund 90th Anniversary” in gold lettering above the blue and yellow checkerboard squadron markings.
  • XX312 19(R) (Reserve) Squadron, 4 Flying Training School (FTS) RAF Valley.  The provided markings allow you to model it in either its commemorative (95th Anniversary of the squadron) with large white numerals “19” and blue and white chequered top to its vertical stabiliser/rudder and the script “1915 2010” with a squadron badge between the dates as well as squadron crests on the sides of the intakes, or in it’s standard markings.
  • XX170 Naval Flying Standards Flight (Fixed Wing) (NFSF(FW), at Royal Naval Air Station Yeovilton, Somerset.
  • XX307 of 208(R) Squadron, 4 FTS, RAF Valley in 2010.
  • XX167of 19(R) Squadron, 4 FTS, RAF Valley in 1998.  It is a little out of the ordinary as it sports white tips to its wings and ailerons.
  • XX316 of 74(R) Squadron, 4 FTS, RAF Valley in 2000.
  • XX184 of 208(R) Squadron, 4 FTS, RAF Valley in 1999.  The machine is in the National Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Children (NSPCC) Fund Raising scheme which simply consists of a the NSPCC green “full stop” and the letters NSPCC, also in green, on the vertical stabiliser.
  • XX281 151(R) Squadron, 7 FTS, 2 Tactical Weapons Unit (TWU) at RAF Chivenor in 1992 when the aircraft was testing overall black finish. It sports a white owl on its vertical stabiliser and wears white stripes on its undersides.
  • XX230 63(R) Squadron, 7 TFS, 2 TWU at RAF Chivenor in 1992 testing the overall black finish.  It too wears stripes on its undersides, this time however they are yellow.

You get two decal sheets with this release.  The first sheet carries the coloured markings whilst the second one carries white outline decals for the roundels, fin flashes and squadron markings as well as ROYAL NAVY scripts and the 19 Squadron “1915 – 2010” titles.  You also get a series of numerals and “XX” in two different sizes to allow you to cobble together virtually any serial worn by the Hawk. 

The decals themselves are printed by Microscale Industries.  They are all in perfect register, thinly printed and have an absolute minimum of carrier film surrounding each design.  As with the other new Hawk sheets from Xtradecal, you are on your own for the seemingly myriad stencil data and maintenance instructions that adorn the Hawk’s airframe.  However, Xtradecal do offer these on a separate sheet (X32031).

The placement guide is an A-4 sized sheet that shows coloured left and right hand profiles of each option as well as three different upper and lower plan surface views.

Some nice decals here from the people at Xtradecal!

Thanks to Hannants for this sample.


Text and Images Copyright © 2011 by Rodger Kelly
This Page Created on 16 March, 2011
Last updated 16 March, 2011

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