"Battle of Britain" Movie

Jennings Heilig
1/32, 1/48 & 1/72 scales

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Jennings Heilig has sent the following information and images on an interesting new decal sheet, available in 1/72, 1/48 and 1/32 scales:
The 1969 epic "Battle of Britain" remains the film about the crucial battle that guaranteed the ultimate victory of the Allies in Europe. Directed by Guy Hamilton and with a cast of industry all-stars, the film was one of the first to make a valiant effort to portray the aircraft used by both sides with some degree of accuracy. The warbird community wasn't what it is today, so the film makers had to rely on the aircraft at hand, which included many different types of Spitfires, Hurricanes, Messerschmitts, and Heinkels. The Spits used in the film were mostly later model aircraft, but their inappropriateness in a circa 1940 setting hardly detracts from the magnificent aerial scenes throughout the film.

One of the stars of the film is a Mk.IXc masquerading as Spitfire Mk.I N3310, coded (fictionally) AI-A, flown by "Skipper" played by the gruff Robert Shaw. Actually several different Spits wore the AI-A codes for the film, but the main star was Spitfire IXc MH434, which is still on the warbird circuit today, based at Duxford. For the film MH434 had a coat of approximately Dark Green, Dark Earth, and something vaguely resembling Sky. Overall the scheme was quite authentic, but with rather heavy "cordite" streaks on the leading edges, and somewhat bright blue and red for the roundels and fin flashes. Codes were in white, a large Squadron Leader's pennant was prominently displayed on both sides, and eight kill marks were applied below the left side of the canopy. None of that was entirely historically authentic, but since it was a fictional person leading a fictional squadron, all can be forgiven, especially in light of the incredible aerial photography in the film.

The upper wing cannon bulges were completely absent, as were the cannon stubs themselves. The post-war teardrop shaped gear bulge on the upper wings was present, as were a rear view mirror, antenna wire from the tail to the mast, and IFF antennas from the tips of the stabilizers to the center fuselage.

The decals are silkscreen printed, and are a one-time only run of only 100 copies of each scale. They do not include instructions, so use the side and plan profiles above - or just watch the film again! They are strictly first-come, first-served, and once they're gone, that's it. Prices are as follows (all prices in US dollars):
1/72 - USD$5.00 each
1/48 - USD$8.00 each
1/32 - USD$10.00 each
For customers in the US (if you have a US Zip Code), postage is free.
Overseas orders please include $2 per order (as many sheets as you want) to cover postage.
Paypal only please, to spitdecals@gmail.com
Text and Images Copyright © 2011 by Jennings Heilig
This Page Created on 19 July, 2011
Last updated
19 July, 2011
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