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Manufacture-on-Demand Preview

HyperScale is proudly supported by Squadron.com



Click2detail explains their new and innovative model accessory service:

Click2detail is new company offering premium manufacture-on-demand parts, conversion sets, detail sets, and kits for scale modelers. All of our parts exist only as CAD files until you place an order. The parts are then custom manufactured using some exciting new 3D printing technology that has been adapted from the rapid-prototyping industry.



Because we have no traditional tooling, production runs, or inventory, our products can benefit from continuous evolution and improvement. We can modify, improve, change, or correct the CAD files over time. Additionally, creating derivative products, sub-variants, and releases in multiple scales is easy, cost effective, and requires only that the existing CAD files be modified with the changes. For modelers this means that we can offer you a rapidly growing catalog of new releases and products that will improve and change as a direct result of your feedback. We think that this is the future of product delivery and we hope that you are as excited as we are!


  • Click2detail Preview: Image
  • Click2detail Preview: Image
  • Click2detail Preview: Image
  • Click2detail Preview: Image
  • Click2detail Preview: Image
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Thanks to Click2detail for the information and images

Click2detail products are available from their website

Images Copyright © 2011 by Click2detail
Page Created 8 September, 2011
Last updated 8 September, 2011

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